Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Reddit user claims to be Austin bomber, compares himself to 'Zodiac Killer' and says he wants world to 'burn'

The media is saying that the Austin bomber is dead. Yet just prior to posting this I came across yet another headline of a bomb having exploded in the state of Texas. In this case they're saying its 'unrelated.' Yet, I have seen no media reporting about this case, other than this headline which I found on Drudge Report.

So I'm somewhat confused?! I've seen no media coverage and they're saying this explosion is unrelated. I just also watched coverage of the press briefing about the 24 year old who is said to be the Austin bomber and who was apprehended this morning. Could there be more than one bomber? And I've not heard any 'motive,' other than the now deceased bomber having been going through a 'hard time in life.' 

                                            Austin Texas Crime Scene

Side note, on Fox news they were doing a segment on the suspect, and they were speaking about his 'political leanings,' if any that were found. In the report I heard the reporter mention a couple of 'social views' this guy had. It was almost ridiculous to hear because it sounded as though this 'dead person' were running for some political seat! What does it matter what his political leanings were? I really don't think anyone affected by this tragedy could care less! The main thing is this guy has killed himself and hopefully they have their man. 

Having said that, in many of these type of cases authorities are often quick to apprehend someone in order to put the city back at ease. In cases such as the Son of Sam which happened during the 1980's, to this day they claim the person whom was arrested acted alone. Yet, many who have studied this case have come to realize that David Berkowitz, the convicted killer did not in fact act alone and did have a 'network.' 

Now, we have someone on the Internet claiming on some web site to be the Austin bomber. On Reddit comment's were posted by someone claiming they want to be like the 'Zodiac killer' and that they want the 'world to burn.' Again, I've not seen any media coverage on this other than this headline. Again, I hope Austin has found their guy and that situation is over with, yet there are some questions that still remain unanswered. Copycat acts of violence are always a potential in cases such as this. Hopefully that will not be the case.

                                  Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt

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