Monday, September 25, 2017

Doomsday Rescheduled: ‘Researcher’ Moves End Of The World To October

Remember all the bogus talk about the world 'ending on September 23rd?' Well, needless to say, its September 25th as I write this and we're all still here. True, some people may have passed away between the 23rd, and today, but that's life.

'Christian numerologist,' David Meade a former astronomy student, now turned nut-job, is the person responsible for the '23rd doomsday scenario,' in which a rogue planet 'Nibiru' was set to collide with the earth and cause the apocalypse! Yet, he also added in a comment somewhere else, that 'people would still wake up on the 24th.' Huh? 

Fortunately, we've seen nut-jobs like these before. They seem to come and go, not learning the lesson of having 'egg on your face' the day after. The most recent was Harold Camping, another 'Christian.' And going back in time we had William Miller back in the 1800's who developed a rather large following called the "Millerites."

Miller set so many dates that came and gone, you'd think he would have given up on 'setting dates.' By the way, Miller too was yet another 'Christian.' What is it when it comes to Christians 'setting dates' on either the second coming of Christ, or the end of the world?

First of all, if these 'Christians' really read their Bibles, they'd know that even the Bible tells us, 'no man knows the day or the hour, not even the Son, nor the angels themselves!' see Mark 13:32! So if they believe the Bible, which apparently they don't, or maybe they think they're 'special,' and God Himself has revealed the date to them only, they're contradicting the very faith they claim to believe in.

But for some reason, Harold Camping set a date, or two, or three (I lost track). His own people were so fearful and believed their leader that many sold their homes, and went out and spent their life's savings and it just got very ugly for those who fell for the stupidity of a man who spent his life supposedly studying the Bible. Harold Camping made a laughing stock of himself, and left many wrecked lives in his wake. He's passed on since. Destination? Unknown.

As for Miller, as stated he had such a large following his followers were called the 'Millerites.' These people actually still exist to this day, but they've began their own religion. Today they're known as the 7th Day Adventists, and they are not a 'mainstream' sect of Christianity, though they may tell you otherwise, they are considered a 'cult' by mainline Protestants. Rightfully so. Today, rather than 'setting dates,' they've gone into the 'Sabbath day' business. Their main message? If you worship on a 'Sunday,' you're of the devil, and you're going to hell! Those are your modern day 'Millerites.' So much of William Miller's legacy, aka the 'Great Disappointment.'

As for David Meade, the current 'doomsday date setter,' well his kind just don't learn. After having egg on his face, for which you'd think he would disappear off the charts, or at least lay low to save face, the guy is now saying (and I knew this would happen), that his 'information was incorrect.' So he (like Miller, and Camping) has set another date. What might be the new 'last day,' I'm sure you're wondering? Well (drum-roll, please...) that new date is October 21st!

Now before you start selling your homes, and spending your life savings, you may want to know that Meade has already changed his tune some. Now he's saying that October will be the 'beginning of the end!' In other words, come October, he's now saying that it will begin a 7 year 'countdown towards the end.' How does he know this? He doesn't! And he's either just a publicity seeker, an idiot, or both.

While the Bible does in fact speak of a '7 year tribulation period,' that will not happen until a 'peace deal' is signed between the Jews and the Arabs. So when you hear anyone speak of a 7 year peace plan between the state of Israel and the Arab nations- now we're really talking about something serious about to unfold! But still, nobody knows 'when' (at this time anyway) a 7 year peace deal will be signed. While it is something that could literally happen at any given time, nothing remotely near this has been reported in the news.

And this is something that is coming soon, but I dare not set any 'date' as to when! A lot will take place for a 'peace deal' to be made between the Israelis and the Arabs. This is where the Bible speaks of the 'Antichrist' who will appear on the world's stage, he's probably right now literally waiting in the wings. He (according to the Bible) will be a charming person, who will be able to do what no one has yet been able to do, and that is bring peace to the Middle east. And when he does it will specifically be for '7 years.'

By that point in time, something of great significance will have had to happen for the world leaders to allow this man to become essentially the 'head' of a New World Order. Now, several former US presidents have already spoken of a NWO (New World Order), including George H.W. Bush (one creepy former president). Several other big named politicians and bureaucrats too have spoken of a NWO. So that is not conspiracy theory, its what I call 'conspiracy fact!' I've written before that the term 'conspiracy theory' was invented by the CIA as a distraction due to the anomalies of the death that surrounded JFK. The Warren Commission came out with its report, which was riddled with holes a Mack truck could drive through, just like the 9/11 Report about what happened that fateful September day. Note also the demonizing of those who claim it didn't happen the way our government has stated. I recall Fox News even demonizing all those who even dared 'question' what our government told us as though it were 'unpatriotic' to disbelieve our 'loyal' government which has never 'lied to the American people.' Right.

But as for 'Doomsday rescheduled, researcher moves 'end of the world to October,' don't buy it, and don't fall for it. Its nothing but yet another distraction. But when the time comes that you hear about a confirmed '7 year peace plan' between the state of Israel and the Arab nations,' that's when you had better start planning and preparing. Even at that, it's not a time to panic, or be fearful. But that truly is a 'sign of the Second Coming of Christ' as prophesied in the Bible.

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