Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Rahm Emanuel creates ‘Trump-free zone’ for students at Chicago schools

Rahm Emmanuel aka, The Godfather is at it again. This guy just doesn't know when to shut his mouth, or follow the rules. In an attempt to 'rewrite history,' he is making (good luck with that) Chicago a "Trump-free zone." 

What in the world is this guy thinking? But, oh; it's for the 'children.' Isn't this the very excuse former president Obama used to bring in 'illegals' by the busload? Isn't this why even the very definition of 'child,' includes MEN up to the age of about 23? Oh, this is for the purpose of insurance too. We must 'fund' and reward these people who have broken the laws of our nation to get here, don't we, Rahm?

                                          Rahm "Godfather" Emmanuel

... but never mind the 'rules,' or the 'laws.' of a city or country, right, Rahm?

Let's instead 'encourage' kids to come here to Chicago, just as Obama 'encouraged KIDS' to come to America. And oh did they ever come! Remember seeing men, women, you name it pouring in by the busloads, trainloads, etc, etc? That is the America, the City of Chicago that Rahm Emmanuel would like. All this while crime rates are soaring through the urban ghettos of the City of Chicago, never mind that (and he has).

Thanks to Rahm, despite President Trump offering to 'help' Chicago end its violence, which let's be very clear about this because I am a Chicago native and live just outside the city. The violence you hear about on the news is all 'gang related, and 'black on black' crime! PERIOD.

Yet the media aka "Fake News" would have you to believe that Chicago is some 'crime infested city, when nothing could be further from the truth. I Tweet and notify these networks left and right, pointing out their inaccurate reports of Chicago, one of the most beautiful cities in America, if not the world! Chicago known for its amazing architectural houses and buildings are on display for all to see and visit.

But people like Rahm Emmanuel would love nothing more than to tear down the very city that elected him, just as Obama attempted to do with the United States. And why, you might ask is this? Because both Obama, and Emmanuel are 'globalists.' And as such, their allegiance does NOT lie with the city, or country in which they reside. The very city, and country that made their 'dreams' a possibility, and in their case a reality. See these people do not like, or appreciate beauty, their allegiance is the the 'global banking system,' who use 'violence,' 'bigotry,' and 'hate,' as a means to an end.

That end is nothing but 'enslavement.' And do not think for a minute Rahm could care anything about the plight of these illegals, whom are nothing more than 'poltical pawns' on his way up the ladder. When you bring in a group of people from another country, encourage them to maintain their 'language,' rather than learning English, you're already setting these people up for 'failure,' which in turn will keep them as a perpetual group of second class citizens, dependant upon the 'democrat party,' who will bleed them for all they're worth, ensuring they remain as little more than 'wards of the state!'

These 'creeps' cannot win elections. Not fairly or legally. So they use the votes of 'dead persons, and illegals' to get elected, and remain in power. As the saying goes, "vote early and often." Those are the sad realities of the political machine known as Chicago politics.

This is why Raham Emmanuel a 'dual citizen' of Israel AND the United States, like his brother Ezekiel Emmanuel (another 'winner,' sarcasm) could give a damn about this country. Like brother, Ezekiel has played a key role in helping to bring in 'socialized medicine,' being a medical doctor himself, which is scary in its own right.

Sean Hannity made it clear and known on his Fox News show that as a politician coming up the ranks in Chicago, Rahm Emmanuel created a LOT of 'enemies,' political enemies. And being the 'nice fellow,' that he is, he became a person whom if you dared 'cross,' he would mail you a "dead fish!" Hence, the nickname, "Deadfish," ie Rahm "Deadfish" Emmanuel. But, he'd prefer to be known as the "Godfather." Well, sorry Rahm, or whatever you go by, I saw the movie The Godfather, and it was too good a movie to spoil, equating it with you, a man who 'thinks' he is above the law.

BTW, the movie by the same name, Above The Law starring Steven Segal, who is a 7th degree martial-arts master in Aikido, an art I too have studied, was filmed on location in Chicago.

So this guy is a would be 'thug,' and a 'punk.'

This is a little man who was 'trained as a ballet dancer!' That's right. Mr. 'Tough-guy,' was trained as a 'ballet dancer' when he was a child, probably back in the state of Israel. So it could be that this little man has some type of inferiority complex. And let me say, there is nothing wrong with any man being trained in ballet. That is not my point. I only reference it here to put some context to just 'who' Rahm "Deadfish" aka the Godfather Emmanuel is.

This guy cannot even be spotted at a sporting event without being 'BOOED' publicly! When the Chicago Blackhawks had won their 2nd Stanley Cup, (since the Toews/Kane era, that is, 2015), and when the Chicago Cubs won the World Series (2016), Emmanuel attempted to ride the limelight by standing on the stage that these 'true Champions' stood upon, and when his name was called out over the PA system, all you could hear was a 'deafening boo!' That is how well liked this snowflake of a man is.

So as for Trump, and his major victory which was unprecedented, Rahm apparently cannot accept this fact, and his ego cannot accept the fact that his party, the Democrats lost the 2016 presidential election to a man who'd never served in public office. I'm sure he actually believed the fake news polls which were all showing Hillary leading all along, and many times by such ridiculous amounts, its no wonder many were so shocked.  And for that reason, the media themselves ought to be held accountable for at the very least, misleading the American public in an attempt to 'steal an election.'

And this is how a great city such as Chicago ends up with a crooked little crooked weasel of a man, a Rahm Emmanuel, 'champion' of the underdog. No. Champion of people whom have broken our laws. Welcome to Chicago politics!

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