Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Post in the Making! Subject? Dealing with Difficult People, Especially Christians!!!

I am currently attending bible college, not so much to 'learn' anything, the Holy Spirit is my 'ultimate professor!' so my attending a bible college is more due with more respect to receiving that 'little piece' of paper that gets put in a frame, hung on a wall, and 'shown,' to perspective persons whom as in the 'secular' world will request as though this 'piece of paper,' is gold, when in reality it may (if not most cases) ...

...those 'pieces of paper,' are NOT worth the cost of the paper (and ink) it took to create! I'm sure I'm not the o\nly one who is beginning to 'hold' to this belief! 

First of all, just 'which' bible college, or 'seminary,' did Jesus or ANY of his 'disciples' (with the exception of Paul, though he didn't literally walk with Christ on earth as did the others), have? And what 'level' of 'education' had THEY reached, for the Son of God to have personally 'call them' to His ministry? 

Oh, okay Peter, 'just give me a few days and I'll do a 'background check on you as to your educational grades, so forth and so on.' Did any of you "bible thumpers" ever recall reading through any such passages of Scripture, or did I 'miss' something? 

Thought the above question is 'satire,' the sad fact of the matter is that yes! Indeed, approach just about any of your 'local mega-churches' asking for a job,' and be ready to expect pull out a copy of your 'school transcripts!' 

Yet even through all this 'bureaucratic red-tape,' you will find more 'false doctrine' coming through these 'mega-churches,' than you'll find any 'truth,' coming out of any of our elected representatives mouths sitting in Washington D.C. 

A person's 'true measure' of one's knowledge of Christ is NOT to be found on a 'piece of paper,' but in a person's heart! In their 'conduct,' in 'all their affairs!' And in the 'fruit' the lives produce. Sadly far too many 'hiring offices' at Christian ministries still depend on a mere 'worldly standard' than what is in their prospect's heart. This should not be. 

To be continued....

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