Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Posts Coming! You're Gonna Love It!

I don't always have the time to spend to sit down and write a post, but that just may change very soon (more on that at another time). I love to write, it's like a part of my inbred DNA. 

My (maternal) grandfather, who passed away when I was very young, though I do have some memories of, was himself a writer, and a 'poet.' Not only that, his work (writing) was though so highly, much of it was used in the New York City Public School system, yet he never even finished school. 

In my family are other members of the so called 'main-stream media.' I have a (paternal) uncle who (now retired) worked for not only WGN in Chicago, but is now a 'national' broadcasting network (I happened to have even lived just a few mere blocks from the station as a child on Chicago's North side). He went on to become a big-time 'editor' at NBC news. 

Though I've never met this particular relative, nonetheless, I'm aware of a (maternal) relative, probably a second cousin, who happens to be a 'writer' for the New York Times, I believe it is. He was located out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

So, I suppose 'writing runs in the family.' Though no one in my 'immediate family' has even any signs of any writing abilities, or attributes. And speaking of 'poetry,' I have written poetry throughout my entire life. I can still recall writing poetry even as a child. I guess I too have 'writing in my DNA.' 

Having said all that, as stated I just may be having more time to spend 'tapping the keys' than ever before. Don't ask. At least not now. In a fairly short amount of time however, I just may explain how I will now have the time to spend writing. 

I have many, many topics already in mind, as I do at just about any given time. The problem has always been a 'shortage' of just that- time! 

But, be on the lookout because once I set my mind to something, as my own mother would tell you, "there is not stopping me." 

Topics to look for in the very near future will be 'extremely diverse,' including subjects covering: the paranormal, dealing with spiritual warfare, dealing with possessed people, being 'called' to be an 'exorcist,' and though I'm far from being Catholic, I never have cared much for the term, "deliverance," which is used by most 'non-Catholics.' 

There will of course be topics on the bible, 'false doctrine,' apostate pastors and their ungodly lifestyles. Martial arts, self-defense (yes, there can be a difference between the two, and I do have over 30 years of personal experience), gee, just name or think of a 'topic,' and I'll cover it! I'm extremely well-rounded in my knowledge of many, many topics. I truly believe that is a gift of God! 

Other topics will cover the upcoming 2016 'election,' should we even see one, many schools of thought on that, many of which of course are mere speculation at best, but considering what America has gone through and done since that fateful day, September 11th, 2001, all bets are off! And I have studied politics just about my entire life. Yes, I am 'fully awake.' Many will understand that expression, some will not. If you're the latter, you'll understand very well- should you stick around! 

Well, I've mentioned many topics, and yet there are so many more I could easily cover. I can say this, topics of 'special interest' near and dear to me are: "hauntings," (grew up in a haunted home, has even 'followed me,' whatever it is you want to call it); topics dealing with the Bible (in general, but specifically "end times"), and all things bible, ...topics on 'secret societies,' black magic, basically anything and everything 'paranormal.' I know many of my 'Christian' readers may 'cringe' at such topics, but it has been an issue in my life having influenced me going back to my child-hood days. It's as though I have a 'duality' thing (for lack of a better term) going on around me. I'd call it a 'battle' between the forces of 'good vs evil.' Speaking of, (again, not something Christians may enjoy), the fact that I do have "abilities," that go back again to my childhood days. If you think about it, what much of the 'secular world' would call 'abilities,' can indeed be found in the Bible as some of the "gifts" God gives to certain individuals of which the apostle Paul speaks perhaps the most about, at least by comparison to the other apostles. would be a great 'post' writing about just what did the 'early church fathers, from the Medieval times think of such claims. Gotta be careful there! I can 'hear flames now in the background!' The flames of those whom call themselves Christian and are 'judging!' Well, stick around because you're more than likely to learn things you've never even 'heard' before, let alone considered or imagined!' 

See, I can honestly tell you as I write this, I'm getting 'goose bumps,' out of just the pure 'excitement,' of merely mentioning these various topics! With a wide variety such as what I've listed, one would be extremely hard-pressed to 'label me,' as any particular style of writer. I credit that with my fascination of the world as a whole. I've always enjoyed even simply 'watching people' at the mall. People watching, as they call it. I live it! It's entertaining, you may see something you least expected to see, etc, etc. Best of all, I learn from 'watching other people.' And my life has always been about 'learning.' I think the list of topics is a testimony to this. 

So, strap in your seats, cause this could be one 'wild and crazy ride!' And if you haven't already done so, please subscribe, like or whatever. I'm not even sure how all you can connect with this site! My focus is writing! And my writing is both entertaining, and very educational, and controversial. 

And as usual, I always look at my stats, and know that I have readers all across this globe, to which I am so flattered. It is for you all that I write, at least attempt to will as much vigor as possible. I want people to walk away from my blog saying, I never knew that, or 'wow,' that was interesting! Who knows, I may even throw in some 'fiction,' for NO EXTRA CHARGE!, lol. I don't charge- period! I have however written some fiction, with quite some success. 

Well, there you have it. A few good reasons, to look forward to a new day, and coming to Descent Into Tyranny! 

Have a great one, I love each and every one of my readers like you would never know!!! 

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