Friday, April 28, 2017

Why Donald Trump Decided to Back Off Nafta Threat

Trump is starting to already sound and act just like every other politician who ever ran for office, saying one thing on the 'campaign trail,' then 'doing the very opposite once in office.' It's rather pathetic, and at this point, I see Trump losing his base, and being a 'one term president.' So now NAFTA is apparently a great deal now? Wow!

Remember Trump's speech during his acceptance of the GOP nomination for president in Cleveland, Ohio? He said, "Americanism, not globalism will be our credo!" a thunderous applause. Maybe Trump has subscribed to Obama's "citizen of the word." non-sense?

Well, that was 'candidate Trump.' Now listen to "president Trump,"

Mr. Trump dismissed talk about a split inside his White House between aides with a nationalist or globalist orientation. “Hey, I’m a nationalist and a globalist,” he said. “I’m both. And I’m the only one who makes the decision, believe me.”
Does this sound like the person we all heard and applauded in Cleveland, Ohio? I think not! But, I warmed many, telling them Trump attended "Jesuit universities," and told people to do some research on the history of the "Jesuit order," which has a horrible past and which is basically nothing more than an 'intelligence agency' for none other than the Vatican, and needless to say a stooge for the pope. So is Trump a fraud?

At this point, I'd have to say "yes." On top of this he's put his daughter and son-in-law in sensitive, high-level positions within the White House. Well, they TOO are "globalists." Look, to be blunt, I think the American people have been 'fooled again!' At the very least, maybe Trump was sincere, but then upon entering office, was given a 'talk,' and maybe he was educated as to who really 'runs the United States?!' It definitely isn't Donald Trump, not the man who ran as a 'populist,' on the campaign trail.

While better Trump than the alternative- Hilary; at this point, as Hilary once famously said herself (being the globalist sell-out who would be in the know), "what difference does it make!?" Well, I guess the only difference is the name and face of the person holding the title of President of the United States, Inc. Yes, I said, "incorporated," and you had better understand what that means!

So I suppose the "powers that be" (shadow government) decided to select Trump over Hilary perhaps due to Trump being a  "businessman." Also, it is better to have a 'man' running the country once we go to war. Sorry, feminists, but war is a 'man's game.' Funny thing is, we were ALL told, should Hilary win the election, expect the US to go to war with Russia! We are definitely going to war, whether it be Russia, or N. Korea, make no mistake. All the signs are pointing in the direction of a war. And due to the countries and 'actors' involved, this will most likely be a 'nuclear war!'

Perhaps the 'war issue,' was the deciding factor from which the 'global elite,' decided to 'select,' in other words, all your votes meant- absolutely nothing! Total waste of time and energy. Alex Jones the radio talk show host, had better wake up and smell the coffee, because ever since Trump appeared 'just once' on his show, Jones has basically turned his show into the Trump Channel!

To be fair, only recently has Jones begun to somewhat 'criticize' the president, yet still insisting how much Trump has done for the 'economy' of the US. And the 'jobs' he's allegedly 'brough back' to America. Ah, excuse me, but 'just where are these jobs?' Might they not be most if not all 'temporary jobs,' at best?

Perhaps Trump should just step aside, and allow his son-in-law and daughter to trade places with himself and his wife. Just think of the sound of it, "President Kushner and first lady, Ivanka." Doesn't that just sound lovely. And as an added extra bonus, the entire main stream media will once and for all "love" the Trump's! As for all the 'tough rhetoric' about being against NAFTA, which will be yet another 'broken promise.'

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