Thursday, April 20, 2017

PARIS SHOOTING Paris shooting leaves one policeman dead and ‘two seriously injured’ as ‘ISIS terrorists armed with AK47s’ open fire on the Champs-Élysée in Paris

Well it appears as though the "religion of peace" has attacked the west- AGAIN! This time, Paris is the recipient of 'cultural enrichment' at the hands of ISIS "Militant Islamic terrorists," take full credit. By the way, does Trump still use the term, "militant Islamic terrorists?" or has his little Ivanka informed him 'that's not politically correct, daddy!'

It's already a known fact that HR McMasters, Trump's 'war-monger in charge' has advised his people that he does 'not like, nor use the term, "militant Islamic terrorists."' So, who knows where Trump stands on the nomenclature. I knew where 'candidate Trump' stood. I have no idea where 'President' Trump now stands on this phrase.

By the way, Trump campaigned on 'destroying ISIS' did he not? Well, isn't France a part of NATO? I believe they are. NATO's statement reads, "an attack on one nation, is an attack on ALL nations." Well, France was just attacked! (AGAIN); where is Waldo "NATO?" I'm sure with all the intelligence agencies, technologies and so forth, it wouldn't be that difficult to 'locate' the perpetrators.

But I digress. See apparently 'military actions' against ISIS is only an option when a third world dictator is to be removed against the wishes of the soverneinty of the nation at stake. Only 'regime change' is apparently when 'military force' is to be used obstensibily to 'attack ISIS.' Talk about hypocrisy? Or am I missing something?

Of course there's always the possiblity that this is yet another "false flag operation," considering the fact an election that has been bitterly fought for the return of soveriignty to the people of France is involved, and the 'nationalistic' candidate, LePen seems to be 'winning,' which is bad news to the globalists, and those who prefer France remain under the iron fist of the European Union.

I smell a "false flag attack," and it's stinking to high heaven. By the way, do people know the 'richest family' on the planet, wanted Syria to be "brought to heel? I'm talking "Rothchild's," and I'm talkling about Trump lobbing Tomahawks at Syria all 59 of them over yet another blatant "false flag," absolutely NO EVIDENCE Assad used any 'chemical weapons.' ZERO. Now we're to believe, ISIS just happened to 'attack France' for whatever reason the idiot on the television reads off their teleprompter which is written by a Rothchild mole, whomever and wherever they may be.

Don't believe whatever the 'main stream media' says! Keep your eyes and ears posted on those who seek the truth. Whomever they may be.


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