Thursday, October 26, 2017

Kevin Sorbo Alleges Designer Gianni Versace Sexually Harassed Him

This is not the kind of material I usually cover here, as most of already know much of what goes on in Hollywood. But in light of the recent huge scandal that has rocked much of Hollywood, then coming across this article, I could not help but post this here.

Some of you may remember the actor Kevin Sorbo. Though the name may not instantly sound familiar, anyone of a particular generation will immediately remember the 'Hercules' series ran on television back in the 1990's. Sorbo played the lead character of Hercules.

Originally hen I first read this I didn't even see Sorbo's name, and was wondering just who was the person  this guy (a famous designer) Versace had 'sexually harassed? That's when I my first question was, was it a 'male,' and was the victim also a homosexual? When I saw the name Kevin Sorbo, I immediately knew we were speaking about a  'straight' male, and not only that, but a person who is a 'Christian' on top of that.

Now my curiosity ran wild! And as I read Sorbo's details, it just got very disgusting from that part forward. I won't even repeat the things Kevin Sorbo claims this big name designer, Versace said to him, it's that disgusting. But I will caution the reader that this Versace, who in my opinion is a 'monster,' spoke openly about, 'doing everything,' including 'animals, and even 'little children!'

While it doesn't surprise me as to what the 'elite' are involved in anymore, it is extremely shocking to hear the conversation as though you were the one being propositioned to. Totally sick and obvously 'illegal crimes' were committed (allegedly) by this 'monster, Versace. Now for 'monsters' such as these, justice seems to have an odd way of catching up with these types of creeps. And in this creep's case, he was shot to death at his home in Miami, and I believe, not 100 percent sure, but I think it was by a 'former lover,' in this case, another man. While I'm not condoning Versace's demise, I'm simply stating the irony of how he his demise came about considering what he is alleged to have done to 'animals and little children.'

And to think this man's business continue's to thrive all these years later. Well now tat this story as been picked up, let's hope it is spread far and wide, and that the very name 'Versace,' become 'synonymous with a 'psychopathic monster' that he was. Here is the link (caution: 'graphic details!)  ' click here!

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