Friday, October 6, 2017

JUST IN: Obama 'Deregulated Bump Stocks in 2010'

Was just watching Fox News when I read this headline across the screen,

"Obama Deregulated Bump Stocks in 2010."

That is HUGE news!!!

For those who've not been closely following this incident which happened in Las Vegas, its been reported and 'confirmed' that the shooter, or shooter's had modified their weapons with a device known as a 'bump stop' which would allow the gun to fire in 'fully automatic mode,' as a machine gun.

Now for a president who was so 'anti-gun' and a HUGE liberal to have done such a move, especially in light of ALL the 'mass shootings' that occurred during his 2nd term in office, this is unprecedented.

Why would an 'anti-gun' (2nd amendment) president 'deregulate' these bump stocks? I may be mistaken on this point, but I do believe its even a 'felony' to modify a rifle with those bump stocks.

And as we all know, there were several 'mass shootings' which possibly half of them have been identified by several military and Intelligence agents to have been 'false flag' shootings.

I think its time Obama answer some questions, which should have already been conducted on any number of issues, along with Hillary who openly announced her involvement in the "Resist" movement, which is another term for joining the 'Deep state!'

Its an entirely different matter for an average citizen to have joined one of those idiot 'Resist' movements. But for a former president, and we know he has because he opened up 'shop' just within a mile from the White House, which is basically a compound, and a former aide is living with him, give me a break. On top of that, within the Trump administration are MANY Obama 'holdovers!' That too is unprecedented.

Then Hillary Clinton publicly announcing her personal involvement in the "Resist" movement? This is a woman who ought to be behind prison walls for the rest of her life; a woman who as a former Sec of State may still very well have a 'security clearance,' with access to confidential material? Come on.

Anyone who reads this blog knows that from the moment this Vegas shooting happened, I said this 'stinks to high heaven.' And I know for a fact the so-called 'deep state' has been working actively to bring down the Trump administration. If Trump doesn't understand this, and he ought to because he does have personal friends who know about this, well then he's not half as intelligent as people have claimed him to be.

But I'm holding onto hope that Trump is aware of the reality of what he's up against. What's the alternative? Mike Pence? I pray to God NOT! I'll say it again, I have NEVER trusted Pence, he's proven himself to be a phony and a 'globalist.' And ask yourself just why is it that he's 'respected across party lines?' That's all you need to know about Mike Pence.

Now, I'm not suggesting Pence has ANYTHING to do with any of what happened, or even the fact that it would appear as though the so-called 'deep state' is out to overthrow the Trump administration, but 'who stands to profit?'

Also, as I wrote yesterday, this would NOT be the first time that a sitting president has been attempted to be overthrown! During the 1930's, possibly early '40's, FDR's administration was about to be 'overthrown,' in fact the entire US government was about to be overthrown by a group of military generals. And were it not for one Marine general by the name of Smedley Butler, who went on to write the book, War is a Racket, and is the highest decorated soldier in US history, this plan may have been carried out. But Gen Butler blew the whistle and went public with the plan of those military generals. So what is going on today is NOT unprecedented.

When the Bankers Plotted to Overthrow FDR (using the military) is yet another book which clearly presents the case that a 'military coup' was in the works during FDR's presidency. So NONE of this is 'conspiracy theory.' I don't deal with such nonsense. I do however deal in 'conspiracy FACTS.' There is a major difference. I've also pointed out on this blog how the term 'conspiracy theory' was a CIA invention to belittle anyone who did not believe the lies told to the American public about how president JFK was assassinated.

Lastly, the reason this is huge news about Obama having deregulated 'bump stocks,' is because much of the liberal media and various politicians are out blaming 'gun owners' as though it was their fault for what happened in Vegas. This can be seen also in the late night (comedy) talk shows, and by celebrities (Tweets), etc, etc. As usual, its the 'gun' that is at fault. Well a gun is an inanimate object that of itself can do absolutely- NOTHING. The fault lies with the person.

In countries where guns are outlawed, you have even more crime due to the population being easier targets for 'criminals.' And oftentimes those criminals are using 'knives,' and lately 'vehicles.' So are we to 'blame' knives and cars/trucks and even out-law them? I think not.

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