Wednesday, December 6, 2017

DC has highest percentage of heavy drinkers

'DC has highest percentage of heavy drinkers?' No way! This has got to be 'fake news...' Duh, why wouldn't DC have the highest percentage of 'heavy drinkers?'

Well, let's see, the Swamp is filled up mainly with nothing but lawyers, judges, politicians, lobbyists, and basically nothing short of the literal 'scum of the earth.'

This of course goes hand in hand with all the 'secret societies,' and pedophiliacs (is that even a word?), oh well, I just 'coined the phrase,' I'm good for things like that.

Adulterer's, whore-mongers, fear-mongers, (chicken) war-hawks, etc ad nausea. Of course DC has a drinking problem, among a host of various despicable practices.

Paying 'homage' to the pope, giving in to Zionism (cancer of the world). You name it- it's all there in a 10 sq mile area known as 'District of Columbia,' or as I known it: district of criminals!

The real question is, who isn't a 'criminal' in DC?

Oh, BTW did you know DC is a 'sovereign city?' One of only 3 in the entire world? The only 2 others being: The Vatican, and the City of London. Ask yourself, why is this?

...and please do look that up for yourselves!

BTW, totally unrelated, but as I sit here typing this out, happened to have observed on the Zionist controlled media 'war drums' beating against North Korea.

But hey, we've got articles such as this one about 'heavy drinking' in DC. That's what person's such as myself call 'useless distractions.' 

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