Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Obama's 'Failed Nuke Agreement with Iran and His Comments on the Anniversary of the "Abolition of Slavery"

Obama 'trusts' Iran with nuclear weapons, and they've 'thumbed their noses right at America by having already broken a UN agreement against firing 'ballistic missiles.' Just goes to show how 'pro-Muslim' Obama is. But should you believe that 'only' endangers the state of Israel (whom Iranian leaders have already been on record as calling for the obliteration of Israel and the Jews), then take this 'remark' made just today at the 'Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery.' 

Obama still clings to the mistaken notion that there is 'nothing wrong' with continuing to allow Muslims to enter into America as did millions of immigrants did during the late 1800's into the early 1900's.. I'm sorry, but there is NO 'comparison' to be made or had! And no, this is not being 'bigoted,' or "Islamaphobic." It's called having 'common sense!!!' Islam 'mind you,' declared war on America- not the other way around. The number of attacks against American interests both here and abroad (mind you 9/11), have proven time and time again, they (Muslims) and by the way, there is 'no such term as a "moderate Muslim" in the middle-east, per their own Imams, and clerics. It's an 'entirely' Western created phrase, THEY have been the 'aggressor,' or a number of reasons which could be an another blog topic in itself. Nevertheless, Obama likens the 'immigration' of Muslims as that of those who came before. There is NO comparison. Absolutely none. Not one of those 'ethnic groups' of immigrants came here with an 'agenda' nor had they attacked America in advance of their arrival. NONE. 

Secondly, try this on for size, for all the fools who are attacking Trump (and I am no fan of his, but he is saying what needs to be said)!. This is no different than if during WW2 after Germany had declared 'war' on America, we would have allowed "Nazi's and German's" to have continued to enter our borders! Did we allow such a thing? NO. Why? If you have to ask, I suppose you're one of the one's mocking Trump's statement on this very issue. How 'stupid' can 'stupid' be?

 In WW2, it was Germany who declared war on America, and we did NOT allow any German's to come into our country during that period. So please explain to me, now that "Islam" has already 'long ago' declared war on America (ISIS, aka IS, aka ISIL, aka Al-Qaeda), same difference, would it 'now' be acceptable to allow a 'sworn enemy' to our way of life, et al, and just accept them as 'immigrants" who came here (peacefully) as the ones I'd already referred to? You may say, 'well, not all Muslims are terrorists, but oh how funny it is that ALL terrorists are Muslims? All the one's who are stirring up the stability and taking lives, hitting 'soft-targets' let's not forget, being the cowards they are

. What is wrong with just putting on the 'brakes' until things cool down (which they won't, short of Islam getting its Caliphate), not to mention they're planning on putting up their flag on top of the White House? Do you think the American people during WW2 would have not had the same sentiment as I and many others do? I don't care how you want to 'slice' it, there is a 'war' going on between "Islam, Christianity and the Western Civilization as a whole.

 Oh, but today's culture has been saturated with this 'political correctness,' which is nothing short of 'verbal fascism,' that people don't want to be labeled as 'anything by anyone.' (the very same 'tolerant people' who HATE "Christians" and 'thinking for yourself!' HELLO! That's the cowardly, spineless way out the PC crowd has created to 'go along, to get along.' Unless, as stated, you have to 'disagree with them!' Then see just how 'tolerant' these fools are.

. We have to take drastic measures against drastic people and times. If not now, then when? When they've outnumbered us (higher population growth numbers- fact); once Obama has stripped American's of their God given right to bear arms under the 2nd amendment? And lets not forget the city of Detroit a shining example of political correctness having had its way, and now Detroit is not much different than any middle-eastern city. Is that what you want? Really? Is this 'bigoted?' Is this 'Islamophobic?' I don't think so. It's good old 'common sense! Something our leaders and 'social engineers lack, but they have their agenda, and too many are asleep at the wheel, to know just 'what' that agenda is!

 I could say a whole lot more on this. For one I have studied the 'religion' (so-called) of Islam. It is NOT a 'religion.' It is a 'political system' steeped in 'Sharia law,' and those who refuse to comply with it (Sharia law) will severely regret not adhering to my words, and those of Trump's.

 Just for the record, I am not 'anti-Muslim,' nor anti-any race! Did people 'claim racism' against not allowing German (and Italians) into America during WW2? NO. So this has absolutely nothing to do with 'race, or religion.' But it does have everything to do with a way of life, a 'political system' which seeks to overthrow our American way of life. It's that's being 'racist or bigoted,' I stand and plead guilty- proudly.

 I would advise all those in favor of Obama's comments to look into the 'religion' of Islam. Particularly "Sharia law," and how it (their 'sacred books and 'hadiths') speak openly about how to deal with the 'infidels,' ie you and I and anyone who is and will not 'convert' to the 'peaceful religion of Islam.' No Germans or Italians were allowed into America during WW2, nor should any Islamist be allowed to enter America during our "war on terror," which truth be told is a 'war against Islam.' 

Let FREEDOM REIGN, and may history PROVE Obama a "LIAR!" 

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