Tuesday, December 22, 2015

OOH, OOH, Stop the Presses...Breaking News! Or Another 'Fake News Story' Planted by Our Government?

Was just going to return to my world of 'sanity,' after having poured through today's trash called, 'news,' when I see this headline;

"New York City Police on Heightened Alert Ahead of Holidays"

Interpretation, "be afraid, be very afraid!" Yeah, this 'may' very well be a 'real' story, then again...,
"In February 2003, Fox appealed the decision and an appellate court and had it overturned. Fox lawyers argued it was their first amendment right to report false information." (click here)
I believe it was just around this time last year I heard somewhere on the radio that the 'government' had 'revived,' yes you read that right- "revived" it's approval to 'air' known 'false reports' airing them via the media as being 'true reports.' I was 'scratching my head' after having heard that. But look it up. Until the 1970's (approximately) it was 'legally' okay for the media to report TOTALLY KNOWN FALSE REPORTS- received and paid for by our 'loving government!'

That 'law' has been re-implemented, and it is once again OKAY for the 'media' to once again report 'known false stories,' paid for by the government to have the media report false stories, it (the government) wanted to have aired! I kid you not. Go do the 'research' for yourself! So much for "FAIR AND BALANCED!" Is it any wonder why cable network news such as CNN and MSNBC have seen a major 'ratings' drop?

And yet, FOX News is STILL 'being believed!' (?) Unbelievable. I personally was a 'FOX' news viewer, as I identify myself with 'conservatives,' NOT 'liberalism' (socialism really). Yet, I cannot in fairness to my beliefs even call, nor consider myself a "conservative" anymore either, as that too has been 'hijacked,' by neo-cons (war-mongering doves, in sheep's clothing). So, I am a "constitutionalist!" As I stand for what the US Constitution says. NOT what some 'fake, liberal' posing as a 'conservative' would say.

Here's a link for further information on how 'your government' is knowingly and intentionally 'paying the media to report fake news stories!' Click here! 

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