Friday, December 18, 2015

"Missiology" or One Who Calls Himself a "Missiologist"

Up until just about literally 15 minutes ago, I was scanning twitter and came across a 'so-called,' Christian "missiologist." I stopped and scratched my head, and said to myself, what in the world is that? Mind you I'd grown up in the church. I'm a Biblical/Theological major, and have NEVER (until now) ever heard that 'term.'

Well, being the curious person I am, I looked up the definition. It was just about what I expected. Even the definition which came from a 'blog' of one of these self-proclaimed 'missiologists,' rightfully stated the term is confusing. Well, that's a 'red-flag' right there! Nothing of God should be 'confusing.' At least not within reason. But when something is as 'misleading' and just utterly asinine as this 'term,' you know it's not of God. Here's why.

According to Gailyn Van Rheenen, from Abilene Christian University, he writes in Missions: Biblical Foundations and Contemporary Strategies, "Missiology is made up of three interdependent disciplines: theology, the social sciences, and strategy." (1996:137).

Key word there is: "strategy." And that's where and why I have a serious problem with this "missiology" business. Having grown up in the church and being a biblical and theology major, until now I'd never heard of this unusual term. But, I am fully alert, aware, and wide-awake as to all the 'false movements,' heresies, fads, and what is nothing short of the "doctrine of devils" is! See, in today's 'post-modern' church, there are a plethora of 'false doctrines,' and practices that are straight from the pits of hell!

The apostle Paul 'warned' us of this in 1 Timothy 4:1,

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" 
(For more detailed information on the scripture given above, see: Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations: Signs of The Times by Paul Lee Tan, ThD., section: Occultism, pg 911).

Note, he (apostle Paul) speaks of the "latter times." We are living in the "latter times." Anyone even slightly familiar with bible prophecy can easily see and understand the times we now live in. It's also no secret (for those familiar with various occultic writings) that those 'opposed' to Christianity have proclaimed they will 'destroy the church from within!'  When you hear about all the 'bizarre' fads that have swept through the church for the most part gaining momentum in the 1990's, with the rise of the so-called "seeker-sensitive" movement, it's not hard to see the doors have been literally opened 'wide-open' to all manner of  'false doctrine,' and to make matters worse, by those who are in leadership positions within these 'churches.'

What is 'false doctrine,' and how might you 'know,' and be 'aware' of such apostasy? First off, know the bible, ie 'read and study it.' Don't rely on whatever any man tells you, unless you've known the person, and can vouch for their sincerity, otherwise you may be dealing with one who has an agenda that is anything other than Godly. Secondly, since unlike the apostle Paul we are not able to 'walk physically with Jesus, we know that prior to his crucifixion (which he knew was coming), he told his followers,

"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever...." (John 14:16; KJV)

Getting back to this "missiology," as the definition goes, it's about 'social sciences, and strategy.' That's exactly an aspect of the "seeker-sensitive" formula. See, instead of modelling the Church after God and his word, the Bible, these 'apostates,' use the ways and methods of building  a church as was the custom, these 'church-planters' (many of whom do this for a fee, if it's not for their own benefit or use), will literally walk around the neighborhood, (always a upper income area), and literally ask people 'what is it that you would like to hear in a church.' Something  to that effect, and even phrased in any number of ways.

The bottom line is to build or confirm a Church not into what God wants it to be, but into what 'man wants it to be.' Not only is this 'unscriptural,' it's flat out diabolical. Here's a couple of scriptures to help you 'see the point.'

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousnesss, and all these things shall be added to you," (Matthew 6:33)
"Be not conformed to this world" (Romans 12:2) 
"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." (James 4:4) 
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts," (Isaiah 55:8-9) 

It is any wonder just why many are leaving the church? Is it any wonder why most of today's modern churches are 'spiritually dead!' As the bible says, 'where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is He within its midst (paraphrase).' God is no respector of persons (Romans 2:11). You can be sure, God will never, honor, nor bless a 'church' built upon a group of misguided, self-seeking 'pastors,' looking for fame and a large congregation, bringing in big money, to build a bigger church, and fill your wallet, and ultimately helping you to live a life of 'luxury,' at the expense of those seeking guidance a 'supposed' man of God.

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