Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Judicial Watch Sues for Documents Withheld From Congress in New Climate Data Scandal

On a much more serious not, at least as much as I've had the time to scan today's headlines go. This is serious because of the little 'pow-wow,' all these globalists recently attended in Paris, and just 'conveniently' right after the 'terrorist' attack. I say that because after the 'attack,' which more and more intel is already coming out about that attack being yet ANOTHER 'staged false-flag event.' 

Due to that incident, and the fact Paris became virtually a "police state" with "martial law" and all the usual Nazi Gestapo like tactics, that 'incident' gave the city of Paris just the perfect cover to 'clear' the city, and make way...for the global, mafia, Luciferian loving, secret society, high-flying (HUGE 'carbon footprint') loving TYRANTS to have their conference in a totally 'secure' environment.

Put two and two together folks. You know when that many 'global pieces of snot' get together all in one place- security is always very tight. And you know there will always be tons and tons of 'protesters!' Seattle's IMF or G8 summit some years back brings back haunting flashbacks, of protesters basically destroying the city of Seattle. But, if we've already gotten 'martial law' declared due to a 'terror attack,' well now, you have a smooth situation in which to hold an important meeting, that will literally impact the lives of each and every person on 'Mother Earth,' (their term).

And I would 'challenge' ANYONE to prove to me that "climate change" aka "global warming," (though statistically the earth is going through a cooling period) to put their money where their mouth is, take their tail our of their 'arse,' I think that's who it's worded in the UK? and show me the data!!! I can say this, YES the 'climate' is most definitely going through some changes, even dramatic changes in some areas, BUT- were I naive, asleep and ill-informed, I'd believe these liars.

Fact is, "weather-manipulation" has been in play (as far as the public at least can trace it) since the 1950's going into and literally USED in the "Vietnam war!" Fact! Even the History channel has stated what I just wrote. And I don't consider the History channel to be a bastion of 'conservatism.' But, as I always say, do your own 'research!' That's one of the problems, people don't do their OWN research, and these globalist vampires who are leaching and sucking us all dry of our money, jobs, you name it, are counting on you NOT doing your research, and rather relying on the 'media.' Well, these people OWN THE MEDIA! It really is a small world. Click here!

I am so sick and tired about this 'climate change' garbage being reported as 'truth,' I'll even do you a favor and post some links right here on this blog for YOU to read and see what I'm talking about! See I'm well aware of "cloud-seeding," and "comtrails" (NOT "chem-trails," that's naturally produced from airplanes)..."Comtrails!" There's a lot more, but it's proof all this Paris Accord, or whatever they've called it is baloney! And incidentally many scientists who have 'dared' come out and rebuke this false 'climate change,' have turned up dead!

Here's some links to 'chew on!' Click below...

Here!, here! , and here!!!  Note: you'll notice, I take my 'research' from multiple places, as I NEVER rely on 'one single source!' And what I've listed, is only barely 'scratching the surface' of what these lying globalist gangster criminal pigs are trying to 'convince' you of, and how they are out 'looking out for you!' Remember that, should this be 'implimented' and your taxes go sky high, to the point you just may really have to contend with the 'weather,' because you won't have a roof over your head, if these bastards have their way! Excuse the language, but this is just one of the bigger issues I have with these filthy rich people who are hypocrites, flying around 'polluting' the skies with all their 'jet-fuel,' living high on the hog, of the backs of those who are losing their homes, due to cut-backs, job-cuts, high unemployment, the list goes on and on, and yet it's okay for these people to live in 'mansions,' with huge "carbon footprints," nice term, huh? Yeah, it's stupid, but it's THEIR term.

Hypocrites! ALL of them! UPDATED: link toe the original source here! 

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