Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Police: Woman Chants "ISIS is good, ISIS is great" During Sex

Here's just a sample, funny in a way, yet indicative of how this world is going 'mad.' Make sure to read the 'twitter comments.' 

On a more serious note, notice the name this 'terrorist' organization has taken. That has ALWAYS been an immediate 'red-flag' for me (as was '9-11,' ie emergency number used in the US, but it was 'Muslims' attacking?) especially knowing all about ancient gods (Greek, Egyptian, etc). You cannot tell me, this group whom has been proven to have been (still is) supported 'unofficially,' of course, by the US government, under our Muslim loving president. 

You may fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time, Mr Obama, and to the 'usurpers' within the US government. I'm on to your little 'occultic' trickery, through your 'secret societies,' and so forth. And many more are too. Here's the link.

PS, chanting 'Isis' during sex, may have been some type of occult ritual for all we know. But, hey if a 'Muslim' terrorist group wants to call themselves, "ISIS," have at it. Just shows how 'fake' all this is. But that's another post there. I can prove to you though, this so-called "war on terror," is as fake, if not more than the so-called "war on drugs." By the way, I think we all know (at least those here in the US) how that's been working out.

I continue to point out that I am in the US, because I know I have readers around the world. And I appreciate your stopping by! I'm looking out for your 'freedoms too!' I have an eye, and my pulse not only on the 'national' coming 'police state,' but the global coming 'police state.' See, we're now all connected in more ways than most realize.

The bottom line is, this is all about nothing short of a 'New World Order.' US presidents (traitors) have openly spoken about it, UK prime ministers have spoken about it, etc, etc. And guess what? They're ALL connected by one thing, their 'love and worship of their god, "Lucifer."'

 For those who know bible prophecy, they'll understand exactly what I'm speaking about. For those who don't, you'd better take a 'crash course,' on any number of things, but I'd highly suggest a read of the Book of Revelation!

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