Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Satanic Power of Rock and Roll

Having personally been involved in the occult, after growing up in a Christian home, I had rebelled, thankfully I repented and came out of the dark. But I was there for quite some time, and saw and did many things of which I will not go into here.

During that time, I'd gotten deeply into Rock music, and it is 'addictive,' to say the least. I challenge anyone who listens to this type of music to try and go without listening to it for one week. And be honest with yourself. Chances are you already know it's of the Devil. And if you struggle with it, there is hope, because as with any 'addiction,' it can be overcome. I know. I was personally there and have come out. But I did not come out of my own strength. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit.

That is how strong the grip of 'demons' can be. And do not be fooled. Satan does indeed use demons and himself as a 'strongman' would to over-power you. He wants your soul. Period. If you've read about any of these mega-rock stars, and if they are truthful, many will openly discuss at the very least their immoral lifestyles, and possibly about their involvement with demonic forces. I could name names, and bands, and songs that all are 'dedicated' to Satan. And how the music industry work.

And in time I certainly will. As such is the grip this music has. And it's not solely rock music. It's 'secular' music in general. It's just more open in rock music. Like I said, I will cover this in more detail, give it the 'time' it deserves for it has truly left an indelible mark upon all those whom have listened to it for any length of time. And the stories I can tell about personal accounts of things I did under it's influence. But this will come at a later time, so please stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, I am linking one of the best YouTube videos I have seen making the connection between Rock music and the occult. I must warn you, it this does not make you think twice about listening to this type of music after seeing it, you are in more danger than you realize. Its only about a 30 minutes in length. I pray the Holy Spirit 'convict you' of its danger and definite ability to wreak havoc upon your life, or the life of your children. Do not make the mistake of 'dismissing' this video as being 'over the top dramatic.' That is one of Satan's tricks. He would love for you to if nothing more, make light of all that I've written here, and all that you'll see in this video.

As I mentioned, I myself was deeply into Rock music, and incidentally also heavily (quite possibly) was propelled into the Occult world as a 'direct result.' I'm not saying this was all due to Rock music, but it sure did without a doubt, fuel the Occultic fire I had burning inside me which drove me deeper into a world where it is nearly impossible to get out of. I could easily have taken my life (which is yet another story of itself). Satan is the 'god of this world system.' Not the God of this world, but of it's 'system,' big difference. The connection for me between this music and my having turned my back upon God was so great, without being overly dramatic about it, I could easily have died, listening to the very music that I felt gave me so much 'power.' Any other Christian who has had this experience could tell you the very same thing. It is only by and through the very Grace of God Almighty that I am here today to even relate what little I have about my personal experience in this demonically inspired music. So, please do not think I am 'speaking as a nagging parent,' or some other authoritative insincere person.

I say this from my heart, and the love which is instilled in me only through having accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. As one who could have died listening to this very music. As one who can honestly share with you the 'good news,' that you too can be set free from this form of bondage. And make no mistake. It is a bondage. I say that with absolutely no judgment, or condemnation, but as a 'brother in Christ.' There is a 'prayer' at the end of this video to accept Christ, for those who feel led to. If not, feel free to fast forward to the end. It's your life. You are the very one who will determine your own fate, not me, or anything I say. But inside of yourself, you will know whether what's said in this video is true or not. No one knows when they'll draw their last breath. I've known people who have died suddenly at a young age for any number of reasons. The older you get the greater those chances become. I have been asked, "how can a loving God send a person, even a good person to hell?" Before I got to where I am now in my walk, I struggled with that question. Now, it is one of the simplest questions to answer. The answer is; "God doesn't send anyone to hell. People (through their own free-will which he's given to each of us) chose their own destinies, and anyone who does not make a decision for Jesus Christ, will send themselves to hell. It's very simple. There is so much more I could say, but I feel as though I've said enough.

This is a powerful video made by a Christian producer. Take it to heart. And may the Holy Spirit guide you into the truth. God bless, and thank you for reading this.

Here is the link

PS,  for some reason I felt led to address this primarily to the younger generation. However, I ought to make it profoundly clear that anyone of any age can easily be struggling with this in the form of an 'addiction.' I know for a fact it was for me! And I was already past my teenage years. So, don't think this is solely for younger person. There are literally (even Christians) today struggling with this sin. The bible says, do not be unequally yoked. How can righteousness have anything to do with unrighteousness? Do not blame yourself. I fully understand the nature of addiction and sin, and bondages, and 'spiritual warfare,' which is what is truly at stake here. You too can overcome this struggle. Right now as I am finishing posting this, I can feel the powers of darkness coming against me. A couple of times, my computer almost gave out on me, and this post would have been gone. Such is the nature of the beast. But God is greater. 

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