Monday, June 27, 2016

Imam Obama "Exempting Illegals" From Oath of Allegiance To America!

This is yet another reason why King Obama MUST be "IMPEACHED!" Since when do people coming to America to become "citizens" do NOT need to take an "oath of allegiance" to the United States of America? Since when?


This is yet another egregious move on Imam Obama's plan to 'destroy' America! This man has done more than any other US president to impoverish and destroy the United States of America and ALL it has represented in its past. Sure, this country has had many policies towards other nations that I completely disagree with, but at the same time, no other country has been a force for GOOD than the United States of America!

Our 'Founding Fathers' and all those who have 'shed their blood' in the cause of FREEDOM would be rolling in their graves, and those still living ought to be disgusted! And no, I was NO FAN of Bush Jr, or the Bush 'criminal family' in general. The 'Clinton criminal syndicate family' has also been just as EVIL!

The Bushes, Clinton's now Obama have ALL been 'hell-bent' on nothing short of destroying this country, and they must ALL be held 'accountable!' This IS a 'nation of laws!' This is why I have made my statement about these families being 'criminals.' Their 'allegiance' lays NOT with the United States, but with 'other entities,' ALL of which are nothing more than 'parasites' feasting off the wealth and prosperity of all those who have lived and died to make this country a better place!

To allow 'illegal aliens' into our country, without any regard for the immigration laws already in place, the very laws others have ABIDED BY, costing them TIME and MONEY and taking an "OATH OF ALLEGIANCE" all those people ought to be greatly disturbed, and flat out PISSED OFF at this 'lawless' piece o shit, (POTUS) who is knowingly and willfully imposing HIS agenda- AGAINST that of the MAJORITY of everyday law abiding American citizens, not to mention BYPASSING THE CONSTITUTION! It's an affront!

When, again I ask WHEN will those who HAVE taken an "OATH" upon taking 'elected office' as representatives of the citizens of this country who PUT THEM in office, when will they do their job, which is to "SUPPORT, AND DEFEND" the laws of the US Constitution??? They too MUST be held accountable to US, "we the people!"

Our "republican form of government" enshrined by the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and it's Bill of Rights is under attack! It's been 'under attack' well before King Obama took office, but with each successive presidential administration going back to at the very least the Reagan/Bush WH have been eroding the 'core' of what this country stands for. It goes even further back than Reagan/Bush (Note: I aim MOST of my blame on "BUSH," though Reagan himself was no saint); but "corruption" in general can at the very least be directly linked to former president Wilson, and his "ILLEGAL ACTION" (his allowing) of our government become "enslaved" by the "fictitious" FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM!

The "Federal Reserve" is no more "federal" than "Federal Express!" IT is a piranha that has put it's shackles upon America, which has caused a irreversible downward spiral. Having said this, still, in 'modern times' the Bushes, the Clintons, and now "Lord" Obama have been hammering in the nails in the coffin of all the "good" this country has stood for, and they're NOT finished yet!

This is why a Hilary Clinton "White House" would be the end of the Republic as we (once) knew it! Donald Trump, is NOT going to 'save America.' And anyone who thinks he will is unwise. But, he can 'help' to write the wrongs of many of the travesties which previous administrations have committed. It is still incumbant upon US to take back OUR country at the "grass-roots" levels! But this requires and "informed citizenry!"

We have nobody to blame but ourselves, for having allowed this 'corrupt' presidents, and politicians to run amok! People can make a thousand and one 'excuses' for why they are not 'engaged,' involved, or even AWAKE! The latter is done intentionally via "bread and circuses!" Ever read about the "Fall of Rome?" Well, we have unfortunately a "dumnbed down" nation. There are many reasons as to 'how' this has come to be; the need of a 'two-family income,' the exclusion of God in ANYTHING, the "political correctness," and it goes on and on. These factors are ALL part of the "global masterminds" who are "socially engineering" this nation!

How so? Through 'culture.' Through the media, the music, the entertainment industry, etc. But, one of THE most egregious methods is through the "food and water," and now even the very AIR WE BREATH!

These are NOT "conspiracy theories!" That 'line' BTW, was also a product of "social engineers." If anything that appears to be "conspiracy theory" by nature is being demonized to the extent that it is and has, ask yourself WHY? I'll tell you why, because these are NOT "conspiracy theories" from a "tin-foil" hat characature, but have a basis in a reality THEY are "extremely afraid of!" It's called- TRUTH!

And, the "TRUTH" will set you FREE! But these 'scumbags" don't want you to be "free!" They want to be YOUR MASTERS! They want to 'dictate' what you think, eat and drink! They want it all for themselves! THEY want nothing short of a "New World Order." They despise "sovereignty" as much as they despise "freedom!" Well I'm here to tell you, to tell them...


Far too many are still asleep at the wheel. The 'good news' is more people by the day are "waking up" to reality! To the facts of what I have pointed out however crudely here!

We have got to get 'MAD!' We have got to get mad to the point that just as in the movie, "Network" we band together and come out as one and declare...


I submit to you, right her, right now should enough people take this attitude, there is nothing that can stop us! No 'wrongs' that cannot be left undone,' no 'politician' who cannot be held accountable! No POTUS who can with the 'stoke of a pen,' make up whatever the hell he wants to do, and so on and so forth. I am here to tell you, America...just as Britain said NO! to the EU with all its disastrous intent, we too can say NO! to yet another completely 'corrupted' POTUS in the 'mask' of Hilary 'Rodham' Clinton!

It's time to take America back!!! Either we do, or kiss your "freedoms" (all of it) good-bye! As for me? "Give me LIBERTY, or give me DEATH!"

PS, here's the link to what inspired this post! 

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