Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hello Russia!

Hello my Russian friends and readers, I've been 'waiting' for you! Being a blogger here, I can literally 'see' the map of the world and the actual names of the 'countries' that have come across my blog. I've had pretty much all of North America, most of Europe, and now...Russia!

I have a fascination with your country, its people, history and culture. My doctor happens to be Russian and I personally have studied some of the Russian language. I won't bore you with how many languages I speak.

Damn! Sorry, I 'lost' an entire paragraph I'd written (hate when that happens...).

As I was saying, I happened to have grown up during the height of the "Cold War" and I can't help but say as a student of history, and a 'passenger' in this country which with each passing day is becoming more and more a "banana republic" thanks to many SPINELESS, and CORRUPT 'career politicians' in Washington DC.

But, people voted for "change," and they sure got it. Just NOT for the better! Thank you, Obama! Don't worry though, you're NOT the 'first corrupt president' and you surely (then again...) won't be THE last!

This was meant to be just a "shout-out" to my Russian readers (believe it or not).

Having been a personal witness to all the corruption, and moral decay of America, and having seen and heard about all that is going on in Russia, I must say it almost seems as though in many ways we appear to be 'trading places!'

What do I mean by that? Hell, most Americans would also be asking that same question. Basically the ones who've helped let this country become what it is becoming. Bottom line: America once 'promoted life.' Not any longer. Yet, as someone who is informed on many levels I am aware that under the leadership of Putin, Russia is "promoting life!" (actually even 'paying' its citizens to have children!). Yes, that's true (to my brain-dead liberal "social-justice losers"). They don't read this blog, so I can say anything about them! Would only be a waste of my time though.

And so I've cited only one 'mere' fact of many of the changes going on. I could cite many more, but what's more important than 'life?' Oh, food is pretty high up on the list. Well, on that front, here in the States, we have "Monsanto" destroying our country, and its people- literally! They don't give a flipping fuck! Excuse my 'French,' but some things are just so asinine, I can't help but allowing some four lettered words fly.

People here (most, not all) are soo fucking stupid, nothing is said, because they're too busy doing stupid shit! I'm just gonna let 'er rip now...gloves coming off.

We've got 'third world countries' who are SMARTER, in saying NO! FUCK NO, to "Monsanto," because they're not afraid of 'political correctness,' and even some politicians "get it." Not here! Put "GMO's" in everything we eat, everything our food supplies eat and it starts a 'chain reaction' of biblical proportions. But, we're okay! Right!

Now I understand Russia is one of the 'smart' countries who have rightfully "outlawed" slammed the door in the face of the fucking scumbags known as "Monsanto!" Good for you! Seriously. And this comes from a person as already stated grew up during the so-called "Cold War Era." Well, if they deemed that "cold," it's cold as a 'witches tit' now! With apologies to good 'witches' everywhere. Religion. Don't even want to go there! But, I digress.

So, things appear, and maybe this is incorrect, but from all the sources I gather I doubt it. While things are going down the drain here in America (by the way, Happy freggin' belated Birthday) Masonic bastards! Whoops! Oh, "Masons are good!" Kiss my ass!!!

Yeah, we Americans us "old school" ones anyway can really speak our minds when we want to, and then some. Sorry I can't say the same for the Russian people, at least as things were in the past. Maybe that too is changing???

Anyway, enough of my blather. While by all signs point to YOUR country seemingly heading in the direction WE were 'once upon,' WE seem to be more and more on the path of what gave YOUR country the 'bad reputation' it ONCE held. Who's laughing now?

Give my regards to President Putin. I sincerely have more respect for him than I do for a president here! And the 'female beast' that MAY (will) be presidente next! Pray for us, Russia!!! After all we were once on the same side as "partners," it was called WW2. I know a that will fly right over quite a few dunces heads here.

Keep saying "Yes" to LIFE! Keep saying FUCK YOU to "Monsanto," and the "New World Order," and especially one of it's biggest pussies, George (fucking) Soros! And excuse my 'potty mouth,' but it's been a long 8 years here, and the thought of another 8 years of yet another Chinese spy, just doesn't sit well in my stomach. Eight years of a "closet homosexual Muslim," to be followed by 8 years of yet another 'sexual deviant' ie lesbian who is possibly Satan's daughter. And the thought that people will actually 'vote' for that god-forsaken beast is more rthan I can even fathom.

Maybe I ought to 'begin' drinking the fluoridated  water, and take my vaccines too (that's part, just part of what has made soo many here nothing more than fucking walking zombies!

To Russia with love,

Your blogger!

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