Sunday, August 7, 2016

Obama needs to be Impeached; Finally!

400 million dollars paid to Iran under cover of darkness, and coinciding with the release of 4 American hostages is 'ENOUGH!' Any reader of this blog knows I am highly critical of this phony, selected, closet Muslim president. But he gets a 'pass' because he's the first 'Black President?' So much for "white privilege!"

...besides, Obama's mother (CIA) was "white." If you ask almost any culture who has a son or daughter who's of mixed race; they'll always tell you the race goes to the mother! Kind of like in baseball the 'tie goes to the runner.' Well, I've researched this, not because it matters what race Obama is, I could care less, and I'd be all for a 'black president,' IF he's an 'honorable,' pro-American president! But, Obama himself and his brain-dead followers and the media have all made his 'race' a big deal- not me! And by the standards referenced above- he is 'white,' for all practical purposes. Again, his race is the least of my concerns.

What concerns me is all his ties going back to his youth, and obviously well before being a politician. To make a long story short, due to the fact that for as much as we don't know about Obama, we also do know enough of his past, and this is a man who NEVER should have become a 'senator,' let alone president of the United States. Obama comes from a CIA family, not unlike the Bush family. Funny how this works. And there is a great amount of evidence (not 'conspiracy theory,' which I don't deal with) to paint the ugly picture of the 'reality' of American politics.

Obama was NOT 'voted' in as president, instead he was groomed and selected; as several previous US presidents before him were. Bill Clinton being another perfect example, and George H. W. Bush "Poppy Bush," as he's known. Why "poppy," because of his illegal deals in the filthy drug world. It's pretty shameful and disgusting, but after having researched these things for many years, you can't help but take a different perspective in the American political process.

Donald J. Trump has accurately stated "politics are rigged." For his intelligence on this issue and daring to utter such a statement, he's been lambasted as few presidential nominees have in recent memory. Mind you, I'm no "Millennial," (thank God). I was born during a tumultuous time politically, and in every which way you look at it. President Lyndon B. Johnson was president during my arrival into this world. There are many who believe Johnson was personally responsible behind the assassination of JFK. And with good reason I might add. So if anyone is qualified to speak about 'corruption,' (on top of being born in the great city of Chicago) I think I am that person. Don't get me wrong, Chicago (the place of my birth) is a proud city. A strong city. A caring city. But, also a very 'segregated,' and 'politically corrupt city,' I'm sad to say. Thus, Mayor Rahm (Israeli dual-citizen) Immanuel fits in as mayor quite nicely, if you're a 'scumbag.'

Now what president gets away with handing over 400 million dollars to a country our State Dept has listed as a "state sponsor of terrorism," and gets a pass? Only Obama. Had George W. Bush been in this position, Congress would already be drawing up 'impeachment papers,' and no I was no fan of George W. Bush, nor ANY Bush for that matter because I know how criminal that family is. The Clintons are fall in the same category.

I recall growing up as a child and being told, "In American you can grow up and one day become president!" BS! I wonder if children are even still told that blatant lie?

See, I have done a lot of research over the years. I had even once contemplated a career in journalism. Thank God, I changed my mind because American media has been part of the problem, and not a part of the solution, and this is why a criminal like Obama, the Clintons and Bushes are walking around today openly and freely, when they ought to be behind bars doing serious prison time! No, I do not mince my words! And if you 'really' want to know what I believe, send me a private message! Yes, I am 100 percent, proudly 'politically incorrect!'

Now, nevermind what Obama has just done. He's leaving, and not fast enough for my liking, but look at who is running for president behind him. Hilary Rodham Clinton. Yes, another Clinton. American voters took pride in ridding the GOP primary of another would be Bush- "Jeb." Just call me "Jeb" don't use my last name because he believes people are stupid enough to not make the connection of him being part of the House of Bush criminal family. Is that why "Jeb" NEVER used his last name as a candidate? You becha!

So the good people on the 'right side' of the political aisle got rid of what would have amounted to a "Bush dynasty." Democrats would have done well to have done the same with their "Clinton dynasty." But, as Wikileaks has uncovered, "democratic" (was and still is a 'communist') Bernie Sanders who ran, never had a chance! The 'fix' was in for the global elite establishment's horse, Hilary Rodham Clinton.

Well, my fellow Americans if you thought things were bad and even ugly during eight long (too long) years of Obama, you ain't seen nothing yet! I can almost guarantee you Hilary will at the very least be just as bad and corrupt as Obama was, if not worse. I'm inclined to believe 'even worse!'

So get used to having our military 'embarrased' shamefully by the Iranians, and having more 'ransom money' paid out to our happy little 'Mullah loving Muslims' in Iran.

Obama, you now have told not only the Iranians, but the world at large that 'it's perfectly fine to take US citizens as hostages, and you'll be paid handsomely for your efforts. Obama, you have told the world, 'crime pays.' Isn't that a great message to the youth of America? What a 'legacy' you're leaving behind you Obama. It's time Congress "impeach" your skinny ass for "high crimes and treason!" You can lie all the hell you want to, it doesn't make what you and your cronies did right! Welcome to the US Americans 'presidential hall of shame!' And we thought Jimmy Carter (D-GA) was bad. Ha, you're making him look pretty good right now.

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