Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Christianity Today's Outrageous Claims about SBC Refugee "Screening Process!"

I only subscribe to Christianity Today (CT) to see what all is going 'wrong' in the Christian world. Christianity Today was founded back in 1956 by Billy Graham, a 33rd degree "Freemason!" Those not familiar with Freemasonry, as I am, can tell you the two (Christianity and Freemasonry) are completely "incompatible!" Taking "oaths" is 'unbiblical,' to begin with. But, Freemasonry is serving 'another god,' a god that is NOT Jesus Christ. Hint, his name is "Lucifer!"

..."doubt it not," says, Albert Pike author of Morals and Dogma, who was considered the highest ranking Freemason, and his book is given (to this day) to ALL newly 'anointed' 33rd degree Freemasons, considered an "honorary degree/title." I only point this out, so you can see the "fruits" of Christianity Today, a magazine that recently gave a basic tutorial on "transgender, homosexuals" and how we should 'accept them.'

Let me make myself extremely clear. I know how the 'Left' operates. Notice they're of the 'left,' (left hand path) an occultic term for those who dabble in things that are 'forbidden by God.' Coincidence? There are none. Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" has a 'dedication' to Lucifer' right in the beginning of the book. I've read it. And I know their tactics. As anyone who's studied 'warfare' and 'self-defense' it's a known tactic to "know your enemy!" Hence, my reason for reading the "Left's" books, such as Christianity Today. Do not be fooled, they do NOT stand for Christianity as taught in the Bible. As stated, look who the founder was.

Having said that, I also want to make it extremely clear that I personally do NOT have anything against "homosexuals," or anyone of the "LGBT" persuasion. I am a Christian, NOT "Muslim." Muslims DO "advocate" hate and even worse towards such persons, Christianity does NOT! Let's be clear about this! I am 'far' from being a perfect Christian, there was only One, and he was "hung on a Cross." So anyone who thinks Christians are supposed to be perfect are misguided. I have have had many "homosexual friends," and co-workers and gotten along with them just fine. I treat them as I would treat any other human-being; with respect!! Muslims make no such claim. My ONLY "issue" with the entire "LGBT" movement is it's "agenda," and let's be perfectly clear; they have an "agenda!" Again, I'm not saying 'all,' but for the most part those as in any other movement, (with ulterior motives) will have an agenda which will be "pushed" upon you, as the "Left" predominantly does. Same can be said of the "other side." The point is, "what is the agenda?" Is it for "personal gain," or for the "good of all?" I submit if it's for the former, it's not coming from a good place.

This piece about the "Refugees" and the "SBC" working with "refugees" in CT is an article with an agenda that is "deceitful," and frankly, an insult to my intelligence! To first of all state the SBC is "working with the UN" is Mistake #1! To state they go are using this entire "process" is baloney! None of these people are being "vetted!" One need only look at recent headlines to see the "crime-waves" being driven by these people. And oh, I just love their "loving picture of the phony refugee family!" That is a downright despicable LIE! This was just a very brief post to show how "liberal" Christianity Today truly is.

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