Monday, February 22, 2016

Awesome Video on Witchcraft in the Church

Hi guys, just happened to have viewed an 'awesome' video on a 'Christian' evangelist from the early 1900's credited with having started the '4 Square' Pentecostal denomination. 

Her name is 'Aimee Semple McPherson,' and even in her time she was considered 'controversial.' Now, after watching this video, you'll learn even more, from having gone down the proverbial 'rabbit hole,' to investigate just who this woman was whom by the way is still adored today (mainly within the Charismatic Pentecostal movement). 

This will be an 'introduction' on my behalf of how 'witchcraft' has already 'infiltrated' the Church, all by design. And it's only going to get worse, if truth be told. 

Without further ado, here is the link to the YouTube video. It's around just under 40 minutes, but it goes fast, it's so interesting. All the credit goes to the 'producer' of the YouTube video. I'm simply presenting it here as it ties in nicely with my work. Like I said, I will be presenting more in an entire 'series' devoted to how 'witchcraft/Illuminati/Satanism/Freemasonry' (long list!) have ALL infiltrated the Churches. Is it any wonder how a man such as Joel Osteen (just one of many examples) can 'succeed' and make tons of money, while he is not even preaching the Word of God, and therefore as pastor, he is responsible (to a degree) of the place his viewers and members of his congregation will spend their eternities! 

This is why I am so sickened and have a heart for 'false doctrine.' As the bible clearly teaches believers that in the last days, many 'wolves will enter the church' seeking whom they may devour. 

Here's the YouTube link! Enjoy! CLICK HERE!

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