Friday, February 19, 2016

California Board Rejects Measure Mandating Condoms In Adult Films

I saw this headline and couldn't resist posting this to my blog. Just what king of 'people' would cast such a vote not being in favor of 'porn stars' wearing condoms when we have a world filled with 'sexually transmitted diseases?' 

Just 'who' are these people? I am in no way in favor of 'pornography,' in any form, shape or fashion, but still...I think it's only 'common sense,' to protect yourself if you're going to be involved in this disgusting industry. But, what do I know. Maybe it's just better we spread STD's all over the United States, and the world for that matter. 

Keep in mind, the 'elites' would like the world population to be 'ideally' at 500 hundred million people (in the entire world). To put that number in perspective, the United States has a population of roughly around 330 million people. Currently there are an estimated 7 billion people on the earth. 

Do the math, that would mean a 'lot' of people would have to die! You might think, that's impossible, they couldn't kill that many people. Well, think again. Because if you understood these 'psychopaths' have used WAR, and 'famine, pestilence, and disease to kill people in mass throughout history, why wouldn't they do it again? 

It's called, "Population control." And if you haven't heard about it, you had better start! Former President Bill (Slick Willy) Clinton mentioned the name of a professor he greatly admired. The name? Prof. Carroll Quigley, the author of a book titled "Tragedy and Hope." I first stumbled across this 'tome' of a book, back in college in the mid 1990's doing research for a paper. 

Well, in the book the 'good' professor talks openly about "population control." and basically pointing out the 'need' for such a thing. So, I have been researching and familiar with this term ever since the 'mid 1990's.' It's kind of hard to forget a subject dealing about the 'need' to reduce the size of the population on the earth! And this man was President Clinton's 'favorite professor,' while in college. This subject goes much further down the proverbial 'rabbit hole,' but that will come at another time. 

Suffice to say, it's enough knowing there are people in this world operating in the highest levels of government, academia, etc, etc, who are delusional, and really and willing to 'reduce' (get rid of) people all for the sake of "Mother Earth." Or so they would have you to believe. Like I said, once you learn about 'population control.' your eyes will be 'open' like never before. Do a simple Google search on this topic. See, the world is not as it appears to be. Many are just now waking up to this fact (not conspiracy garbage, I don't indulge such garbage), and I one day innocently learned about this in the mid '90's simply working on a report for a course. 

Here's the link for those so inclined to read about it. Click here.

Source: Tragedy and Hope by Prof. Carroll Quigley

American's, it high time you realize the world is not as you've been taught! 

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