Thursday, February 25, 2016

Suspicious “Ominous Warning” Issued by the Cable Company, Flased Across my television screen during ‘wee-hours’ of the night.

*The following 'account' is a 're-post' from my Facebook page.

" I happened to have seen the strangest message, a 'warning' scroll across my television screen yesterday morning during the ‘wee-hours’ of the night (maybe around 3 am?). Anyway, I just happened to have fallen asleep with the TV on, and woke up, shortly after saw that warning. It was so 'ominous looking.' I just stared at it! Then it disappeared, as quickly at it appeared. I immediately grabbed my smart phone, in the hopes it would come back. It did! And I have a 'copy' of this 'ominous warning,' which to this moment I really can't even say just 'what' it was about. What I know and can report, is it said, this was a 'warning...' and it then went on to 'list' a whole bunch of 'states!' Now, I know full well there are 2 'counties' (Cook & Will) in Illinois which were both under a 'blizzard' stand-by. However, this message had absolutely 'nothing' to do with the 'weather.' The list of 'states' were all over the US, no particular order, or under no 'known threats' of any kind that I am aware of, and I use a website 'ROAS?' I think is the name, anyway it shows ALL the states/countries with 'active threats/warning.' So, at the very least, this was bizarre! I wonder how many others had seen that warning. Thank God I had the presence of mind to grab my smart phone and record this message. I can one say easily imagine a day when a message such as this will announce "martial law," or the "collapse of America!" I really want to 'post that video,' but I'm not sure it may be a wise thing to do? I think 1 of 2 things were in play here. !) this may have been a 'test run' for what is to come. And 2) someone just may have inadvertently pressed a 'button' they weren't supposed to. I would tend to go with the latter, as the warning, was 'mysteriously cut-off' before it has even completed with its listing of 'states.' Also, our local cable provider, had just recently installed 'new cable boxes.' It was an 'upgrade.' Yeah, as in 'they can now see and hear us better!'"

The preceding incident occurred during the 'early morning hours,' of Wednesday, February 24th, 2016. I still 'may' post the video of what I saw, but for now I'm going to hold off.

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