Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trump to act on Mexico border wall, bolster immigration police

I do not have a 'bigoted' bone in my entire body, but what former president Obama was caught doing, allowing "illegals to flood America," was in my opinion a "federal offence," for which that alone charges should have been brought up against.

America is a nation of immigrants. That is true. But, those immigrants came here through a "legal process!" They didn't just wantonly cross our borders, without us even knowing who they were, or how many of them there were. Add that to the fact that "radical Islam" has declared war upon America, and you had a 'powder keg' brewing, just waiting for anything to go wrong! In a 'post-911 world,' it just doesn't make no sense whatsoever to allow 'undocumented people,' no matter where they're from entering our great country!

Former, I love saying that...former president Obama, not only allowed our borders to be 'flooded' with illegals,' but even encouraged it, and 'tied the border patrol agents hands behind their backs, not allowing them to do their jobs, and firing, or punishing anyone who dared. These (border patrol agents, are brave men and women who have sworn an oath, as did Obama to defend and protect America against enemies, both foreign and domestic). That is an 'impeachable offense!'

In my opinion, Obama, should have been removed from office for having broken so many laws, and for not holding up to his 'oath of office.' But due to 'political correctness (and a 'spineless congress') nothing was done to stop Obama from literally destroying America right before our eyes, which was very disgraceful, to say the least!

I do believe people should be allowed to come into the United States, but they should do so- "LEGALLY!!!" But, of course in an age of "political correctness," (something I do not fall for, nor believe), unless you believe like these 'minority of pseudo-intellectuals, they will label you a 'racist.' I don't buy, nor fall for that garbage! "Political-correctness," posing it's ugly head as "liberalism," is a joke. True liberals, do not act this way. No, "today's liberals," are nothing short of "totalitarians," that's a whole other breed of creature, and people had better wake up to that fact!

Here's the link to the story...

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