Saturday, January 28, 2017

Protesters Gather At JFK In Support Of Detained Refugees

As an American who supports the US Constitution, I fully recognize and agree to a person's right to 'protest.' But, protesting is one thing, and "rioting" is quite another. Nowhere in the US Constitution does it give it's citizens the right to "riot!" Yet even the 'main stream media,' (liberal of course) doesn't seem to know, or understand the 'difference' between a 'protest,' verses a 'riot!'

Considering how many 'protests' there have been already, and the fact that George Soros, "Hungarian-Jew," who came to America to escape the Nazis, has been 'paying' for most of these "rioters," and so-called "protests," due to his hatred towards America, a country who's made him filthy rich.

But, what do you expect from a "Jew," who helped turn in his own race over to the Nazis to be thrown into "concentration camps?" The man has no conscience, not a heart. Russia has just recently thrown him out of being able to operate in Russia, and I believe the United States should 'prosecute' this man for all the violence, he's stirred up within our borders.

Fortunately President Trump is familiar with what this 'thug' has been doing. Soros and Obama were 'friends,' but I don't think the same 'cozy' relationship will be had between Trump and Soros. Soros is not 'friend' of America, and he needs to held accountable for his anti-American conduct. And I fully suspect President Trump will do whatever is within his power to make that 'criminal's life difficult.'

Whether Soros himself is named in this article, I'm not sure. But what I am sure of is that this is the kind of 'stunts,' Soros loves to fund. Here's the link. 

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