Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump fires acting attorney general

Just about 30 minutes ago, the 'acting US Attorney General,' (former Obama holdover) was 'fired.' As many now know due to all the 'fake tears,' and out of control 'leftist zombies' grovelling over President Trump's 'immigration freeze,' it was discovered "Sally Yates," (Obama holdover) has disobeyed President Trump.

Yates who has a reputation of being 'soft' on 'immigration,' and 'borders,' it seems was responsible for some of the confusion over Trump's reinstatement of what was actually Obama's own  border "push-back" while he was in office. But the 'left' said nothing! Trump does the same exact move, and Sen Schumer, comes out with the usual "parade of democrat victims," and breaks into 'crocodile tears!' And the 'left' calls Trump a "bigot!" Yet, it's been established that both democratic presidents both Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter had both made similar moves. Talk about a bunch of "hypocrites!"

But what else do you expect from a group of brain-washed nutcases? And as it stands, most of President Trump's more important administration 'positions,' are still waiting to be confirmed. I even heard one of the 'whiny liars' even claim it was GOP Senate Majority leader "Mitch McConnell's" fault for "not bringing up for a vote! These people are not only poor liars, but they're bad actors too.

Here's the latest.

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