Sunday, January 22, 2017

Madonna Drops Three F-Bombs on CNN, MSNBC During Live Coverage of Women's March on Washington

This whole "women's march" on Washington was about just what? I've even seen some of these women asked 'what are they protesting?' ...most could NOT even give a 'coherent' answer, if answer at all.

Bottom line, this was a protest because Hilary lost the election!

Now, as a 'man' writing in defense of men, we have been under siege for quite some time. Men have been 'belittled' on Television as the 'stupid' husband, father, etc. Big Pharma, and various other institutions have been attempting to 'reduce men's sperm count,' and Big Brother has made women more dependent upon "government," versus the men many of these women have had babies with, ie: "welfare queens."

...and the list goes on!!!

I could literally write a book about how "men have been under attack in America." So, you protesters, you're nothing but "sore losers" who are upset about a president NOT having a "vagina," to which I say...GET OVER IT!!!

Please inform me, just 'how' Trump is a 'personal threat to you, your "vagina" and, or whatsoever with you being a "woman?"

This "protest" was such a waste of time, and a farce to just "pounce" on a new president whom you've not given a chance to even settle into office yet. Trump's problem? He's a man. A 'strong man,' not some "metrosexual," or whatever the new slang, hip term is for democratic men.

As a man, we need more 'strong men,' not weak men! As for 'women,' no one is out 'attacking your "BOX!"  Get a freaking grip, and grow the hell up!!!

Here's the link for those who want to see how 'stupid,' and 'foolish' this 'has-been' sounds and looks HERE!


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