Sunday, January 29, 2017

Soros Bankrolling Effort to Stop Trump’s Temporary Refugee Halt Order

Well, well; "George (Satan) Soros" is in the news- AGAIN! And as usual, he's on the "opposition, funding un-American policy," this time President Trump's halt to "illegals, and refugees!" This is a much needed law. And there really is 'no change in the law itself, contrary to common belief.

This country (America) is a 'nation of laws.' And among those LAWS are 'plenty' of laws pertaining to "immigration." There exist right now (as they have for decades) laws restricting the amount and types of 'immigrants' which can be allowed into America. Unfortunately, the several past few presidents, have not been following, ie 'enforcing these laws.' Thus people (immigrants, have come to expect a 'free handout,' and 'free benefits,' at the cost of American's expense, specifically our taxes!

This is not only an unfair burden to Americans in terms of jobs being lost, but much needed resources being 'drained' on these who come to our country, NOT to become 'citizens,' nor assimilate, but to live in 'enclaves,' and remain their customs, and NOT 'assimilate.' Yes, we're a nation of 'immigrants,' but those immigrants, came in "LEGALLY!" They not only became 'citizens, but abide by our laws, and "ASSIMILATED!" That is no longer the case with the new wave of people Obama in particular allowed to easily flow into this country by the droves, and essentially 'tied the hands' of our Border Patrol Agents.

On top of all this, our nation is already 'heavily' in debt, due to a loss of jobs, and poor 'trade laws,' NAFTA and GATT being two of the biggest culprits. Add to that the influx of thousands upon thousands of "illegal immigrants" who were allowed to pass through our borders, from Mexico thanks for "FORMER,' president Obama, who was a major disgrace, often talking bad about his own country while abroad, which make many American's turn against such a pathetic 'leader,' who without precedent spoke as did Obama.

But, in comes the "charlatan, evil comic book character,' George Soros, with his "Open Society Foundation," which doles out money for everything from 'riots,' to now lawsuit under the guise of 'caring for the immigrant,' give me a break! This a-hole, (excuse the French) belongs either 'deported,' or in 'PRISON' for his "un-American activities which have been responsible for people being 'beaten up, some killed, insurrection, and attempting to weaken America. That's what this person is all about, which is why I call him "Satan." He is the epitome of everything America stands against...the 'Rule of Law.' See Soros is a "globalist," and as President Trump said so eloquently during his speech, "Our credo will be NOT globalism, but Americanism!"

Here's the article 

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