Thursday, August 24, 2017

Opinion Piece: Why Watching Cable News Networks May Be a Bad Idea

This is a post I've wanted to write for some time now, just hadn't gotten around to having done so. Many people are 'news junkies,' and with the advent of the cable news networks (CNN), being the pioneer, life has never been the same. 

Instead of the 3 major news networks more than likely your parents were used to getting all their news coverage from, we've become a 24/7 continuous 'news cycle,' seeing the same stories over and over again. Only the face changes. And barring any 'breaking news,' you're going to continue hearing the same thing all day long.

There's a very good (and sinister) reason why television has been called "programming." Think about that term. Seriously. Does that not sound 'sinister?' Call it what you'd like, but programming is programming no matter how you want to slice it. And trust me, there are many forms of programming. Far too many to even list here.

While most may even hear the word programming, it's already been so established in your brain as being a benevolent aspect of our lives, people don't give it a second though. You just may even hear a family member sometime this evening ask, "what's tonight's programming" look like? Or what "program" are you watching? Matter of fact, there's a little test I want people to do. Try and keep track of how often you hear that word, or hear that question asked?

The purpose I bring this word up is primarily due to cable news networks, which have caused most people to now watch "national news," verses a time when people were at the least just as connected with their 'local news.' Cable news has changed all of this. Again, if you're a 'news junkie' such as myself and a lot of people, you'll most likely spend most, if not all of your time hearing about 'national stories.' And while national stories are important, what's happening in your own city, town, community are just as equally important, and in some matters even more important.

But how would you know if you're only watching Fox News all day long? By the way, I plead 'guilty' myself. So don't feel bad. So, it got to the point that I knew more about what is happening in Washington, D.C., and even other countries than I even knew about what is happening in the very town I live in! I don't think that's a good thing to say the least.

Without attempting to sound 'preachy,' which is not my intent, it our level of awareness and understanding that is at stake here! The last time I 'received' any local news was over the Internet when I got one of those 'creepy scary weather' announcements that almost cause me to jump right out of my skin! Who would think Tom Skilling (meteorologist from Chicago, so only Chicagoan's would know that name) could have the potential to scare you out of your own chair while you're eating, watching television or whatever, and all of a sudden you hear his voice come through your device?

Other than that, unless you go out of your way to view 'local news,' you may not haven't the slightest clue as to what your own community law-makers are up to and planning. Some readers may be aware about UN Agenda 21. Well, where do you think the majority of that activity happens at? You guessed it; at the 'local' level. For those unfamiliar with Agenda 21, it's your lucky day. Here's a link which I suggest you at least glance it over, and 'share it!' Share it with everyone you know and care about.

There's always 2 sides to every story (per law and journalism 101); so I'm going to give you a 'pro-Agenda 21' link first. Click here. Consider that link as your 'friendly community service announcement,' probably filled with all the various 'benefits' and tremendous opportunities afforded by such a plan. Right. Kind of like 9/11 when you saw a BBC reporter 'live on air' claiming in advance "building 7 had just collapsed" (yet embarrassingly, it was still standing just behind her right shoulder!

Now I'm going to provide you with another version of the same UN Agenda 21, but this time from a more ominous perspective. Click here. Just for the record I happened to notice 'millions' of search results under simply "Agenda 21," versus less than 400,000 for UN Agenda 21 "depopulation." And yes, you read that last word correctly, "depopulation." That is the bottom line when it comes to Agenda 21! I won't even attempt to 'sugar-coat' this fact.

 Georgia Guide Stones, anyone? 

For those who've never heard of the 'Georgia Guide Stones,' aka 'America's Stonehenge, oh you're in for a treat! Think of the "Ten Commandments," but of an unholy nature. Before you begin thinking I am sitting here wearing a 'tin foil hat,' I can assure you- I'm not! The mysterious person(s) who financed this edifice mean business!

...and while they may not be fans of the biblical 10 commandments, they've created their own! Have a quick peek:

The ten guides for a new Age of Reason are as follows:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
Notice, I've intentionally 'highlighted' their 1st commandment. I'm far from being new to these stones, and have done extensive research on everything about it. At least as much as is possible to find. Most of this remains a mystery, or rather 'cover-up.' Call it what you want, I call it a 'plan' to say the least.

This brings me full circle as to why people need to start paying more and closer attention to 'local news,' versus only national news, or the cable new networks. And all of this was created by design. It's like a diversion, or magician's act. Watch over here at the cable news networks covering national and international only news, while on the 'other hand,' things are being done (put into place) by your local representatives- right behind your backs knowing people are too busy to care about 'local news.' I'd even suggest local news coverage has intentionally made to appear 'boring,' for this very reason- keep you distracted.

I can assure you, not one word, concept or idea has been embellished in this post. The information you've been provided with can mean all the difference between at the least being 'informed' which in turn gives you options, and things to think about. Or you can choose to ignore this post and the information presented here, and continue watching a steady diet of your favorite 'cable news network,' while your local politicians are selling you and your family down the river!

As the saying goes, "knowledge is power." But knowledge for simply the sake of having it is probably as bad as not having had it to begin with.

Stay vigilant!

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