Saturday, August 26, 2017

15 Habits to Power Your Productivity

Ever since I've been attending college, and running this blog my time has been extremely limited, and that's not even including all the other parts of my day and life altogether. Being all the busier now, when I saw this article, "15 Habits to Power Your Productivity," it got my immediate full attention.

I've known and understood the power of habits, and routine.Yet, while 'knowing' these techniques are one thing, putting them to actual use is quite another. Easier said, than done! And while a lot of this doesn't have much to do with lack of ability, or will, it is really about motivation and self-discipline.      

I'm sure many are in similar situation, juggling a job, family, etc. So, maybe this article will be as helpful and informative to you as it will be to me. We all live in a crazy world, with all kinds of things competing for our time. As the saying goes, 'time is money' (think of the amount of money a lawyer will charge you- per hour!             

There are many people in life who've achieved amazing things, and likewise there are many who don't seem to achieve much of anything in life. And I'm not talking about 'material possessions,' just achievement in general. It's always fascinated me as to why some 'make it,' and others do not.' Though that may be 'subjective' on face value, there are tangible things in life that clearly separate us. And it has nothing to do with race, or many other factors some would have you believe. In America, we're told at a young age that we have the ability to become whatever we want to become. I would agree with that statement, with every field, except one, 'being president of the United States!'

...yet how often have children been told by teachers, one day you too can grow up and become president of the Untied States? I couldn't disagree on this one more, due to the 'pedigree,' from which just about every US president has come from. We always hear about a candidate's 'family tree' during a presidential election. Have you even noticed it seems as though those who 'win' are the one's who have been 'related' to another former president? Somewhere down that family line, they'll inevitably be someone who has been related to another president. Then again I've thought, well we are all related at some point, if you go back far back enough, aren't we?

Anyway, next time I find myself saying 'there just aren't enough hours in a day,' I'll think better of that. We all have the same amount of time in a day! It's what we do with that time that matters. And at the same time, what's wrong with taking a day to yourself and doing absolutely nothing? At least once in a while.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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