Sunday, August 13, 2017

Trump suspects Bannon of leaking, putting job in jeopardy

Leave "Bannon" alone! Trump's base basically has been dwindled down in the West Wing to only person- Bannon! Without Bannon, as this article suggests, one of Trump's biggest donors may leave as well. Not to mention, Trump's base whom have supported Bannon.

While Trump's ego seems to be too big at the mere mention of anyone else within his administration getting more attention, 'grow up, Donald! Grow up!

You lose you're base, you're toast!

Bannon I'm sure has NOT been leaking anything against Trump, and if anything has been doing Trump a favor letting Trump supporter's of this 'back-stabber' former 'general,' McMaster's who's a known 'talker after a few drinks,' even going as far as talking badly about his own boss, Trump himself. So, if Bannon is sounding the alarm on McMaster's, thank God someone is!

I do not trust 'most' within Trump's administration, with the exception of Steve Bannon. Personally, should Bannon be given the 'boot,' you may as well count me out too! For all the talk of Trump's 'intelligence,' he sure doesn't seem to have a clue as to how to run his own ship!

Come on, you've run a major real estate business, and you can't stop the infighting withing your own cabinet? I don't think that speaks well of Trump. And I don't think he's anywhere near as 'bright' as we've been led to believe. I'm not saying his heart isn't in the right place, it surely seems to be, but get a grip of your freaking 'ego!'

I've always been against Ivanka and little Jared being anywhere near the WH. They're 'family,' there should be laws against having family in your own WH cabinet. And it's a fact, Trump's own family are 'liberals,' who've been wined and dined by hard-leftists who's agenda has been anything but 'pro-Trump.' So 'fire' Ivanka and little Jared (666) Kushner whom even belongs to a 'bizarre branch of Judaism,' look it up!

Secondly, what is up with ALL these 'generals' surrounding Trump? I find it nothing short of 'creepy!' Since when has a president had so many 'generals' in his cabinet? I'd even have to look that one up myself!

Don't even get me started on this new 'chief of staff,' Kelly creep. He reminds me of a guy former president Woodrow Wilson had in his cabinet, 'Col Edward Mandell House.' This was was said to be Wilson's adviser, yeah kind of like Gregory Rasputin was to the 'last Czar' of Russia- one 'creepy, sinister' chap. Get rid of "Kelly!" (Chief of Staff).

With all the circus that's been the Trump cabinet, and the 'generals' and creepy people, I've said since day #1, who are these people? Gee, almost all 'Goldman Sachs people,' and I'm sure CFR members. What recent or distant (at least going as far as the CFR came into existence, early 1920's) has a presidential cabinet been 'without it's CFR globalist member,' aka 'shadow government?' Get anyone from the CFR out, out - OUT! Look up their charter. Learn about the CFR's bottom line; in one word; "globalism!" Sound like 'America first?' I don't think so.

I do have to admit though despite all these shady people, Trump has done the right thing, biggest exception 'blowing up an airport in Syria,' which I completely opposed. But Trump has plenty of true patriotic Americans who would be well served being a member within his cabinet.

Message to Trump: stop 'suspecting your only link to your base' of being a leaker! Don't touch Bannon! And yes, I realize he too is a former 'Goldman Sachs' employee, but sometimes people do change. Sometimes. Besides, we know this is what the 'left' has been out for ever since day one! Don't give them what they want! Enough of the psycho-left, to hell with them!

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