Tuesday, August 29, 2017

'Antifa' violence in Berkeley spurs soul-searching within leftist activist community

Antifa violence in Berkeley spurs soul-searching within leftist activist community. Well, I really think it should when it's 'Antifa' who is dominating the headlines with all the violence, followed closely behind by the so-called "alt-right," or "far-right." I don't think the mainstream media even knows the difference. I really don't.

So, the media jumped all over Trump's remarks over what happened in Charlottesville, when he correctly stated that 'both sides were at fault!' The media took that to mean Trump endorses 'white supremacists.' Or is it the alt-right, or is it the 'far-right?' When it comes to the media if doesn't matter. Trump can do or say no wrong.

They (media) just wish Hillary was Queen, I mean president!

Again, when it came to Trump's comments on Charlottesville, his comment was right on target! I wouldn't doubt it if they're still harping on his comments in the media. I've not turned to any news stations today. What happened in Charlottesville, was a huge mistake on all sides! There is plenty of blame to go around.

And that blame goes straight to the top! In that case, the mayor himself, as well as the police department both have 'blood on their hands!' I don't normally slam the police, they've got things tough right now, but there is evidence, overwhelming evidence that the police department by in large 'stood down,' and some even fled the scene! That coming from a reporter from Fox News who was on the scene from early on.

The reporter clearly stated that at the beginning of the protest, there weren't any cops around, at least not enough of them. But, worse yet, after all hell broke loose, this reporter who was standing right near the police (probably fearing for his own safety) noticed that the police were beginning to leave!

When the Fox news reporter asked a police officer where were they going? he said he was told, 'it's getting too violent here, we're leaving.' Can you believe that? But that is the state of affairs in this country right now with all these 'protests,' which are not protests- call them what they are (media), they are 'riots!' I don't care what your stance or cause is, if you come tot a protest wearing 'masks, hoods, are dressed all in black, and a host of other things, you are definitely not there to be 'peaceful!'

What's more is the mayor of Charlottesville is personally responsible for having given the police the orders to 'stand down,' and literally 'evacuate!' And since when does a police officer believe a situation is 'too dangerous' to the point that they just say, 'we're outta here?' Take a good look at those Antifa little chicken-necked thugs the next time you see their ugly faces. Watch how they even 'throw punches!' Those punches are almost something out of a cartoon, and if my grandmother were still alive, she'd probably throw a better punch than those chicken-necked cowards!

So, again- there was in fact plenty of blame to go around for what happened in Charlottesville, and I'm not for either side! I do not stand with 'Antifa,' nor do I stand with the 'alt-right/far-right' whatever that is supposed to even mean?!

The media too shares in the blame here. They've helped further this notion, this new 'meme' about there being an 'alt-right,' when truth be told, that very term was (almost) coined by none other than Hillary Clinton herself! She has used the term, though it was actually a think-tank which came up with the meme, and the media, following their fallen idol, Hillary have taken to her choice of words for a group that technically does not even exist!

While of course there has always existed the KKK, and White Nationalists, both despicable hateful groups, I would suppose they could be called the 'far-right.' But, even that gets confusing because if you want to use that term, well what about the 'far-left?' Oh yeah, many of them of become Antifa ('anti-fascists'), more on them later. Now we all know that not all 'far-left' use violence and intimidation, so why is it okay to label anyone being on the right as being the 'far-right, or the 'alt-right?' You see how confusing all this labeling can become?

And that is what this is basically about- grouping people in labels (whether they want one or not). This is ultimately forcing many to take sides that they don't even understand what they stand for, let alone what they're name truly means!

Antifa, or 'anti-fascists,' (to put things into perspective) are the nasty group who wear all black, cover their faces with 'masks,' or hoods, and now are openly using all manner of 'improvised weapons' from bicycle locks, to sticks, pepper-spray, helmets, 'feces, and urine' (filled in balloons!), etc, etc. But they're 'peaceful' and are standing up against the evil, wicked 'fascists!' They often end up beating one of their own, should the person not recognize the other, and the other happen to be 'clean cut.'

Antifa also has connections with billionaire George Soros, who has heavily funded them, as well as Black Lives Matters (BLM) to the tune of 'millions and millions' of dollars. This has already been exposed. Soros, through any number of his 'slime ball organizations' is also turning these people in a regular group of militant (but paid) actors who  are even 'bused' into events all across the country. Many of the journalists who have covered these events are seeing the 'same faces' at various events! So, that too has already been exposed.

But, look at who George Soros himself is. A Nazi collaborator who as a boy in Hungary, during WW2, helped the Nazis by turning in his own 'race' (Jews) over to the Nazis, so be sent into Hitler's concentration camps!!! If you were here right now, you'd hear me 'screaming' that last sentence out- very loudly. Soros is also on record as boasting about how he has personally bet money against several foreign countries banking systems, causing them an 'economic collapse' in many cases. He (Soros) personally has his slimy finger-prints on the Ukraine, Hungary (where I believe a warrant has been issued for his arrest), in the United Kingdom, which I believe has banned him from entry, and also from Russia, whom Putin personally made sure he wouldn't have anything to do with. But remember, "Russia bad!" Russia is pure evil, for those in the media, and the deep state, that is.

So there is the nice old man, or evil entity known as George Soros. Of course none of this can be found on his Wikipedia page, oh no. He's made to appear as clean as the wind driven snow! The guy is a walking monster, a mad-man who is about to cause America to possibly go head first into another 'civil-war!' NO 'pun' intended. To say George Soros 'hates' America, the very country who allowed him to become as wealthy as he's become, shows in itself what a 'devil' that thing ('demon') truly is.

As for the media and their incorrect use of the terms 'alt-right,' and 'far-right.' Of the two phrases, I'm sure many are familiar with the 'far right.' That traditionally has been a derogatory defamatory remark used to label anyone who is simply on the 'right.' Well, now enter the new buzz word or 'meme,' alt-right. As stated earlier in this post, this was a term used by Hillary Clinton herself. She of course wasn't bright enough to have created it, the term comes from a 'think-tank,' but she's generally given credit for the term. Just attempting to set these terms up correctly, so the public can understand since the media has made a mess of all this and basically just made all this more confusing that it needs to be.

So, just as someone would use a derogatory remark against a liberal calling them the 'far-left,' there you go. This is why labels are becoming more and more a 'dangerous thing.' But think about it, isn't that kind of how things got started in Hitler's Nazi Germany? And by the way, (another history lesson), the Nazis were "SOCIALISTS!" They weren't 'capitalists!'

Were I to provide links as I normally do, just for this post, half this post would be nothing but links, backing up everything I have stated here for reference purposes. I don't have the time. Besides, look it up for yourself if you don't believe me. And anyone who's read this blog for any length of time knows, I always put my money where my mouth is, backing up what I say. And also always tell people to 'look things up for themselves,' because frankly I'll write about many things that a lot of people just aren't familiar with for any number of reasons.

To sum all these terms up, basically you've got 'antifa' on one side sponsored by George Soros, and the 'white nationalists' who've just now waken up as a reactionary 'counter' to Black Lives matters...yet the media doesn't get it. And no, I am obviously not condoning either side. Both sides have serious issues, and violence is never the answer! You could say, both sides are being used by the 'powers that be,' as useful idiots in a chess match to attempt to instigate another 'civil war.' And you've got the police 'in the middle,' whom often times are told to 'stand down,' and just let things happen. Well, I'm sorry but as a police officer you have taken an oath to defend the public and keep the peace. If you can't handle that? Get into another line of work!

At the same time, I fully understand all the frustrations the police are under. On the one hand they have to treat certain people with 'kid gloves,' or all hell will break out, while on the other hand, if they aren't capable of being able to do their jobs, it puts them in a dilemma that I do not envy. So I get it. But, still that is no reason to not do your jobs!

Then there's the whole Berkeley situation, which I linked up to, but to be quite frank, after having written all that I have hear, covering more than even I fully intended on covering and to the degree that I did, just read the article. Apparently there are yet more 'protests' to be coming this fall. Conservative speakers are already set to give speeches there, and God only knows where all of this is headed. Maybe we'll be all in a state of 'martial law' by then?

Hopefully, I've helped to clear the air about all these terms the media is using incorrectly, and people at least have a better understanding than when they first visited this post.

Just pray for America. Avoid these protests. Don't fall for all these 'labels' which have been created to 'divide' us as 'one nation.' And remember, ALL lives and people are created equal. That is not just a 'cliche!' God did make each and every one of us on this planet, whether you're from the US, or China or anywhere in between, we're all equal in the eyes of our Creator!

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