Saturday, August 19, 2017

Muslims fear anti-Islam backlash in tolerant Barcelona

Sorry, but - GOOD! No, I'm not against Islam (per se), but don't be coming to 'my country' or ANY OTHER and attempt taking over!!! And you SHOULD be 'afraid!' Look at ALL the terrorist attacks and violence. Ask yourself one simple question. Who is 'causing it?' It's NOT 'Christians,' not 'Jews,' (except maybe through 'deep state' Zionist psy-ops); it's ALL "Muslims!"

Do the logic. Does this mean all Muslims are bad? Of course not. But, every 'terrorist attach' has been perpetrated by "ISLAM," the so-called "religion of peace," at least so we're told by the bastards who pull the strings and know absolutely nothing about Islam, or are lying through their big teeth.

Ever since 9/11 happened here in America, I have picked up and read every book on Islam I could get my hands on, including the Koran. I know their history! I know what they stand for, and what they're up to. And yes, they too have a plan which is nothing short of 'world domination,' just as evil and wicked as the 'Zionist' plan. Get that straight because until you do, you'll never figure out why things are happening the way they are.

Sure, it's not 'politically correct,' but when have I EVER held to that asinine ideology? Never have, and never will. Kill me, lock me up, whatever, I will never surrender my God given rights to 'speak openly and freely,' got that "BIG BROTHER?!"

Hear me roar, you 'BASTARDS!' I'm so fed up with their 'Beast system!'

I know the Spanish people pretty well. I really don't think they're going to take this 'laying down,' as some other European nations have. Especially Spain, a country that already went through this and was oppressed under Islam for 200=300 years!!! I know Spain's history. I hope  the Spanish people (screw the gov't run by the 'unelected EU,' which are 'sheep' to their puppet-masters, let the people decide for themselves the 'justice' that needs to be meted out!

Let justice prevail, though the heavens fall. Good luck, Spain!

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