Monday, August 7, 2017

STUDY: Letting Illegals Stay Costs Six Times More Then Deporting Them

I suppose by "Google AdSense's" own regulations, or whatever they call themselves, this article would NOT meet 'standards' for sponsorship via Google AdSense, because as they told me 'posts were too short.' Well, yes some are, most aren't. That's besides the point. I'm a conservative, and they hate conservatives. But whatever- never expected them to approve.

And all this request was for was for to have 'ads' to be placed on my blog, and should people click those ads I'd get 'pennies' (PENNIES) per click, lmao! But no! So again, look at the length of this link, and judge whether Google AdSense would have 'denied' them as well? 

But you see the fact of the matter (bottom line) is NOT the 'length' of any blog post. The point is whether it contains the truth, and/or whether it leads you to the truth! So, 'up yours, Google AdSense!' Haha, I've also reapplied, and will continue to (just for laughs). By the way, it also only took them '6 months' to reach their conclusion.

But as I said, its not about the length of the post, its the content that matters.

Having said that, of course it 'costs more' to continue to keep illegal immigrants here in America rather than sending them back! And despite the amount of illegals which has been estimated at '11 million' (I'm sure its at least 'double' that fake number), back in the 1950's President Eisenhower, or Truman actually did send back every illegal citizen back to Mexico, in what was actually called, "Operation Wetback!" (click link) So don't tell me, 'it can't be done,' BS!

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