Friday, August 25, 2017

The Legoland Controversy Brewing in Australia

This is just horrible for adult Lego fans in the land 'Down Under!' It would appear as though Australia has opened up a Legoland Discovery Center in Melbourne, but there are rules.

And this is what has many adult Lego lovers furious. Some are so furious they are contemplating taking to to court as being 'discrimination!'

What exactly is the discrimination all about? The rule at Legoland in Melbourne is that an adult must be accompanied by a child under the age of 17. So those Lego loving adults thinking they can show up at Legoland and enjoy the exhibits are in for a huge let-down!

Imagine the horror of arriving at the theme-park of your fantasy! You've grown up playing with Lego's your entire childhood. There is now a Legoland themed park nearby, or some perhaps even take an extended drive to get there. Then comes the bad news.

Sorry, we have a rule in place that states adults must bring a child under the age of 17. We're so sorry, but you cannot enter our gates. To be honest, I think it is a good idea that children are to be accompanied by an adult! But this is the Outback! This is where people get into 'boxing matches with Kangaroo's!'

Well, some adults are so determined to maintain their childhood dream of entering an entire Legoland, many have actually put posts on their FB or other social media accounts, asking other adults whether they can 'borrow' their son or daughter for the day.

I wonder how many people have actually made it into Legoland using this method? I'm sure quite a few have found a kid (under 17) to 'borrow!' I can't say I'd blame them for trying. If their heart means well, and they are truly that fond of going to Legoland, even if they have to borrow a kid, let them have their fun!

Lego's are a lot of fun no matter what your age. It's not like I own any, but I've seen the new sets they've got out nowadays. These new Lego kits are not your parent's or your own Lego sets from when you were a kid. They really have changed a lot.

It really wouldn't surprise me to learn that somewhere someone has like the very first Lego 'kit' ever sold, and may have an extra one they've got listed for sale on E-bay or someplace, and I'd bet you it would be worth quite a lot of money! Ever go back and see an original "Atari" game system for sale? Or any number of old classic toys from your own childhood.

For those who have children, don't make the mistake of throwing out the toys once the kids are too old to play with them, or you feel that they've outgrown them. I highly suggest keeping those toys! You never know how much they may be worth down the road.

As this article goes on to say, what should be done is to open up a Legoland for 'adults.' Makes perfect sense to me. Why not?

So there you have it. This is the BIG 'controversy' down in Melbourne, Australia. Are you disappointed in this story? Well, I've added a surprise 'bonus' just for you!

Remember the man I mentioned having 'punched a kangaroo?' He did so because his dog was apparently attacked by the kangaroo. I'll never forger having seen this video for the first time. While I'm totally against 'animal cruelty,' this wasn't that at all. The guy was protecting his pet dog, and I have heard kangaroo's can be a 'problem' in Australia.

The video is actually interesting because this dog's owner really got in a good shot on the kangaroo. But, that kangaroo stood his ground! Almost in defiance he shook back his head, as if to say, 'is that all you got?'

Well, in this video (which I'd never seen), the kangaroo comes back to get even with the guy who punched him! You see the kangaroo standing at the guy's window, seemingly 'daring' the guy to come out and fight like a man!

Here is the video, titled:

Man punches a Kangaroo Now he's back for REVENGE !

I think you'll find this video very amusing! 

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