Monday, August 14, 2017

UPDATE: Trump Evacuated From White House After Massive Spy System Discovered


I've been looking further into this story. I have come across reports about the White House needing to be renovated due to 'mice,' and even 'bugs.' I don't buy it! How could any president deal with being in a 'filthy house,' especially one that receives 'heads of states,' and various VIP'S, and holds regular meetings. That makes no sense to me.

Also, note that after having left Washington, Trump usually goes to Florida. Instead he went to his home in nearby New Jersey. Then from NJ, apparently he flew back to the WH for maybe 1 day, if that? He immediately left- again. And he's currently in New York City at his Trump tower. So, I don't buy any of those claims about bugs, or even mice. Also, more talk has continued on the 'soft coup' going on. Then look at what happened over the weekend at Charlottesville, VA, which most news stations continue to harp upon, even 'Fox News,' which has been the kindest to the president. But even Fox is digging in their heels about 'Trump's response,' as though it wasn't sufficient.

I've already covered Charlottesville, VA. I may add more to this event, in what seems to have been a major 'stand down' on behalf of the police department, and I've heard the person who initiated the 'protest rally,' who was NOT a 'white supremicist,' as the media would have you to think, but a white male who's simply had enough of all the 'political correctness' about certain 'historical statues' being removed, essensially attempting to 're-write' American history. And as I posted just last night, now it just may be coming to 'Chicago!' I will be keeping a very close eye on that one, because that becomes 'personal' with me, having been born in the city of Chicago. And there are NO "Confederate soldiers" in Chicago! These crazy 'leftist whack-jobs' are talking about removing a statue of the 'Founding Father' of America, our first president, George Washington, and also Thomas Jefferson.

As Trump himself stated, and maybe this is THE very reason for this ridiculous stunt, Trump stated, "where does this end, are we going to go after George Washington, and Jefferson too?" Well, there you have it. Apparently, they are talking about it. And knowing the mind of these 'scumbags,' I wouldn't doubt it if they tried going after those statues next. It's insane! I refuse to stand by and let this happen. That is too close to home for me, and this as I said becomes personal when it's my place of birth. Will be keeping people posted on this.

But also right around the same time, I do recall (personally) having heard remarks coming from long-time Trump friend and advocate and award winning radio news show host Michael Savage mention something about should the 'deep state' decide to "take out Trump, there will be a civil war!" And using biblical terminology, which was most definitely NOT lost upon the ears of a Bible college student, that such an attempt would be as the "day of the locusts," using Old Testament terminology which Michael Savage being Jewish would be very familiar with, and I'm sure very 'careful' in his choice of language.

Now, I just happened to have found (and this is happening to me a LOT lately) where its as though 'info' is dropped out of nowhere onto my lap, I find this video, though its actually an audio (and of a mechanized sounding female voice), so you know that's a person who does not want to be identified! This is like something straight out of a James Bond novel. Again, I cannot 'vouch' for the authenticity, or the source of this YouTube 'audio,' but I'll let you decided and make up your own mind.

In the audio, it says Trump had no intentions of going on any vacation! And nothing about any 'renovations' as Fox News had reported (nothing new there, they've been caught in many inaccurate reports by myself, and others). The audio goes on talking about a friend of Trump's who was 'killed' during the 9/11 'deep state' attack, and make no mistake, it was the operation of the 'deep state' that brought down the Twin towers on 9/11, NOT any 'hijackers,' nor were they even 'Muslim, or Arab.'

Look up the term "dancing Israelis" associated with 9/11, and that'll give you a good hint as to whom was a part of this overall 'deep state' attack called 9/11. Which given the date itself, I was immediately suspicious, as well as the way those twin towers, and the third tower that wasn't even struck just happened to have conveniently come down, later on that day. Matter of fact, just last night I was listening to a deep well done story on the 'con-job' 9/11 was. Anyone who still believes what the US government 'official story' said should really have their heads examined, and I'm not being mean, or funny. That 'story' has so many holes, you can drive a tractor-trailor straight through it!

Now this. So Trump had a close friend who died in that 'attack.' I do not deny the event took place, I vehemently deplore the LIE we, Americans were told about the reason for the attack. And yes, many people did die. But, this was a clear open and close classic 'false flag' deep-state attack coming from the dirtiest and lowest of levels, and I will name the Bush family, Bush Sr (former president) and Bush Jr (sitting president) along with VP DICK Cheney as having played a BIG part in this, along with a unlikely but just as capable person in the 'mayor of NYC,' Rudy Giuliani. Some may recall he 'quickly' was responsible for the 'removal' of all the debris which was part of a 'crime scene' and being a a former prosecutor knew damn well what he was doing, but of course, he was 'following orders.' Dept of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, also played a key role in this, as well as many others, including lesser known Bush 'mafia' family members (may they have their day of 'justice!'), and they surely will when they meet their Maker.

So, it is purported that Trump had been having conversations about 9/11 just prior to being 'evacuated' from the WH, while we the people were again lied to and told he left due to 'renovations.' Apparently Newt Gingrich's name came up, as well as Michael Savage's and all this came to Trump's chief of staff Kelly who is reported as having had Trump and the entire cabinet immediately 'evacuated' from the WH into a 'safe space,' while a special security team entered the WH conducted a sweep and found multiple 'listening devices.'

Interestingly, back in 2010 Obama was said to have done 'extensive remodeling' of the WH. Which would have been an unusual time, considering he had been there all this time, and now with 'less than 2 years,' he decides to 'renovate?' Was it possible he already knew he would be continuing to operate in the 'deep state' only 2 miles away from the WH, where he currently is located and operating in a very unusual manner for that of any former 'sitting president?' But Obama was never a 'typical president,' by any stretch. The guy practically came out of obscurity, and he came from my home state of Illinois, where even there he kept an extremely 'low profile,' spending most of his time simply 'voting present,' meaning he may not have even been in the state capital of Springfield, IL at the time. The same can be said once he became a US senator from Illinois, and I still recall how mysterious that race to the WH was won.

So, as the audio states, it was believed that once the special investigation team swept through the WH and located multiple 'listening devices,' they knew it was tied into Obama with his 'renovations' back in 2010. Now many know Obama was so mysterious because he was brought up into a CIA family and most likely 'groomed' for to be president. Both parents being CIA assets.

Upon clarification, Trump's chief of staff Kelly evacuated Trump and the entire cabinet, and allegedly Trump has been on 'vacation ever since,' while the WH is being 'gutted,' NOT renovated as the media would have us to believe. So, what do we make of this? I never trusted Obama, and I'm sure I don't speak for only myself. This was a guy who was hell bent on destroying America any way he could. Look at all the 'mass shootings' we experienced. We know he wanted to pass highly anti-gun legislation, as would have Hillary. What happened to all the 'mass-shootings?' Hear of any recently, at least since Trump has taken over? How about all the 'race rioting?' Oh we saw just a 'taste' of that, but primarily that too was vast under Obama, and non-existent until just this weekend, and even that was a fluke.

I've been saying it all along, Trump needs to have both Hillary and Obama and several of their key operatives investigated, instead everything is 'ass backwards,' with Trump's people being investigated. And he's done nothing! Both Hillary and Obama, well take your choice of things to investigate! And recall Trump even Tweeted early on after having been elected that "Obama had tapped his lines at Trump tower,' to which he (Trump) was ridiculed for. Well with this now, God only knows what the 'truth' is, but I hope Trump and his team get to the bottom of this, and some indictments can come from this, and let's start seeing some people having their homes SWAT team raided in the middle of the night, like oh, Hillary's and Obama's!

So with that in mind, and without further ado, I will present this audio from YouTube, and let you be the judge! Here is the link! 

Keep in mind, this YouTube video was placed on the YouTube website, so it was 'open sourced,' and untold numbers of people have already heard this. Should anything happen to me, NO...I am NOT 'suicidal,' not in any trouble, and looking forward to more reporting and completing my degree at Bible college. NOR, was I personally responsible for anything having anything to do with this audio. I only presented 'opinion' as I always do and have.

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