Thursday, August 31, 2017

Houston police catch 14 armed robbers and looters amid flood emergency

In times of horrific natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey have historically brought out of 'best' of people as they come together and help one another, there's always also a darker side.

In this case, "Don't mess with Texas" couldn't be more appropriate of a saying. Just as natural disasters bring people together, it's also an opportunity for scammers (did a post on that yesterday), and other bad actors to take advantage of the losses of others.

While Texas has always had a reputation of being tough on crime, due to the situation and how extensive the damage in Texas alone, the state has decided to up the ante against those looking to prey upon victims of Hurricane Harvey with sentences some of which can land a person in prison for 'life,' for the act of 'looting!' 

While this may sound harsh to some, I don't think so at all. I can only imagine the devastation and hardship these people have experienced, and will continue to experience as they rebuild their lives. So, a word to potential 'looters,' don't do it! I believe that is the right message to these would be thugs, and other states (Louisiana) should take note and pass such laws, having the already in place for any future potential disasters.

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