Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Wisconsin company holds party to implant microchips

Many years ago when I was working for a 'major Fortune 500 company,' I had a dream which I'll never forget.

In this dream, which is now looking more like a 'vision,' as many would actually call it, I saw my company hold a meeting with all of its employees.

Management had made the decision that everyone was to 'receive a mark,' (for security reasons, of course), anyone hear that lately?

Well, as the dream went on, employees were told, 'unless they receive this mark' they would not be able to remain as an employee, and would be terminated!

Mind you, this dream was back in the early 1990's when I don't even think the technology even existed! And now we're hearing about a company basically doing just as I saw in my dream, 'accept a mark.' 

Here's a quote directly out of the Bible in reference to the 'end times,' 
and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or[a] the name of the beast, or the number of his name. -Revelation 13:17 
Looks like this is coming to pass... .

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