Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Obama’s Inner Circle Is Urging Deval Patrick to Run

Since when has a 'former president,' remain so involved politically? Historically, they haven't! Yet, Obama (worst president EVER) is doing just that.

Not only has he broken with 'tradition,' which is to not even speak about his successor, as every president has done throughout history, Obama has formed his own "shadow government," which is what some are calling it.

And make no mistake, Obama has basically begun his own shadow government, having not only moved 2 miles from the White House, but is working deeply behind the political scenes as no president has ever done before.

But, I suppose maybe he's still working on his "legacy?" By the way, what was his legacy, "Obamacare?" And what a miserable legacy to be remembered by, when all these 'socialist' liberal democrats know full well that Obamacare was 'created to fail!'


Because, what these anti-American socialist elitists truly have always wanted is nothing short of "socialized medicine," also known as 'single payer medicine.' Ever hear of all the 'horror' stories of countries which have such a system?

People living under this system will end up in many cases 'dying' before they receive the treatment they require for any number of serious ailments. But that's the plan. In a word, it's called "depopulation."

Depopulation is a hallmark of such movements as "Agenda 21, Agenda 2030," etc, etc. These are the very people who have fallen for the lie that the world is already 'overpopulated,' and so many aspects of society are becoming "unsustainable."

Keep the word "sustainable" in your mind as you watch the news! Keep this word in mind whenever you listen to ivory tower leftists, and liberal persons of any significant influence. They're under an "influence" alright.

They're under the "influence of demonic entities," I'll just call it for what it truly is. Take a long drive sometime, and notice just how much 'open land' there is! Yet, there's not enough room on this planet for the amount of people as it currently stands? How much 'food' is wasted each and every day?

Anyway, so of course Obama (biggest failure) is now even becoming a "king-maker?" And how convenient to even suggest another 'Black American' for president! And no, I don't have a 'racist bone' in my body, but after having our first 'Black American president' who happened to be the WORST president this country has seen, and he (Obama) thinks he's in a position to name who would be a good candidate, let alone the 'race issue,' which until Obama became president, race was not much of an issue. But as soon as Obama became president (voted in mainly by 'White Americans), HE was the one to raise the "raise care," and cause major divisions between the two races.

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