Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Majority in the House is up for grabs

And as though things were not 'bad enough' in the Senate, we've got this headline which is gaining traction on all the major media talk shows. "Mama Pelosi," who doesn't even seem to know what 'planet' she's on, talking about being "Speaker!"

Well, with yet another slime-ball (current Speaker) Paul Ryan (R-WI), who just happens to be now 'former' Trump Chief of staff, Rience Priebus' good buddy, whom most likely was a part of the leakers from Trump's administration, well it would seem to me as though Ryan would love nothing more than to LOSE the GOP 'majority.'

And MOST of these clowns were elected on the promise of "repealing and replacing Obamacare," something Americans have been expecting and waiting ever so patiently- for 7 years now! And there is nothing more Pelosi would LOVE than to regain her "gavel" (and broomstick too). Here she is pictured below...,

                                    Nancy Pelosi...oops, wrong picture

                                 "Momma" Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)d

I believe she looks better in the 'first picture,' dressed in her 'normal' outfit. Seems like just yesterday when this babbling dumb*ss, was waving her 'magic gavel' around town,

Ah yes, good old fashioned "San Francisco values!" Those were the good old days. And as for agenda, I suppose on her agenda would be empower the LGBTQL, giving them even more 'special rights,' just before beginning the 'impeachment' and there you have it. As for Paul Ryan, he can spend more time on the golf course with his good Reince Priebus!

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