Sunday, August 27, 2017

Bilderberg 2017: The Agenda and the Full Attendees List

Though it's already come and gone, the annual Bilderberg meeting is still worthy of a mention. They met back in July, here in Virginia only 50 miles from the White House, and with a new president and administration, could that in itself be some kind of message?

Well, again while this event has come and gone, it is the 'agenda,' and the 'people' who attend this annual meeting which by the way gets little to zero media coverage, as it has from their inception, to our knowledge back in 1954. The name 'Bilderberg,' though not an official name of this group of wealthy elites who come from various fields of prominence, has been dubbed 'Bilderberg' because that was the name of the hotel in which this group was first noticed in the Netherlands.

You can find some general information on the group here. 

While this group is very secretive (historically), and open to elites only, by invitation (think of the movie, Eyes Wide Shut!) *caution on the video link* (video may contain imagery unsuitable for some); this group which until fairly recently has intentionally been 'denied,' and kept out of the media spot-light for most of its history, until recently, and still it maintains a lot of secrecy (Chatham House rules), and its influence, though unknown is felt globally. Make no mistake, these people get together with a mission, and a plan for the 'year.'

In order to pacify the wild speculation of what goes on in these meetings, Bilderberg Group (as they now call themselves) have their own website. Though they have a new website, I would take whatever is on there with a grain of salt due to how much 'security and secrecy' surrounds this group of people. Honestly, you're better off reading a book about this group by any number of independent investigative journalists, for more accurate information (as much as would be possible, that is).

One of the best sources on this group would be Daniel Estulin who's written a book about this group titled The True Story of the Bilderberg Group. It is probably the best book on the topic.

So while this group has already laid out it's purpose and agenda for the year, I thought posting this article, on the 'agenda and attendees' would serve the public well in as far as helping to understand some of what has been happening in national and international events. Yes, this group has that much power and influence. While not all those who attend these meetings are bad people, you can be sure that those at the 'higher levels' most certainly do have an agenda, and it's not pro-American, nor is it pro-human for that matter. Some of this group's earliest members and founder were 'eugenicists.' So you know they're not looking out for the good of 'mankind.'

This group is looking out for their own interests, and that of possibly those who will serve these people.

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