Thursday, August 17, 2017

Pastor Wants Presidents’ Names Removed From Washington, Jackson Parks Over Ties To Slavery

Just saw this headline- right now!!! Let this 'dual-citizen Zionist mayor,' former Obama 'chief of staff,' has-been (yet 'wannabe') even ATTEMPT such a stunt, 'taking down George Washington's statue, along with Jefferson too,' I WILL be in CHICAGO SO FAST, along with many others!!!

This is where I will 'draw the line in the sand,' see I was born in Chicago, and unlike Rahm Emmanuel, a 'traitor' to America, I LOVE America, and especially MY CITY OF BIRTH, and I'll be damned should I stand by and allow these "politically correct" BASTARDS 'tear down history,' all because they don't 'like it!' They want a 'fight,' (politically speaking!).

I will be keeping a very close eye on this nonsense!!! I WILL BE CONTACTING the 'mayor' of Chicago, KNOWN AS 'RAHM EMMANUEL!' AND ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH THIS 'STUNT!'


Sorry to my readers for the 'language,' but I've had it with all this 'political correctness,' and contrary to what some IDIOTS assume, Chicago is NOT a 'democrat owned' city!!! SEE PREVIOUS POSTS ON 'RAHM EMMANUEL, and how 'disliked the so-called "God-Father!' Bare in mined, when I use the term 'Zionist,' it's NOT a 'race!' It is a 'political position,' one I and many do NOT subscribe to! But of course, due to the 'leftist' scum that's infiltrated America, they've 'hijacked' even our 'language!' (and symbols, ie "rainbow," and frankly I'VE HAD IT!!! So, again forgive the language, but THIS IS TOO 'PERSONAL,' and CLOSE TO HOME!'

I will be sure to keep my readers informed on this matter with 'pictures, letters, etc,' and possibly 'court documents,' should it come to that! I take this VERY SERIOUSLY, as one who's taken an 'oath' to protect this country against "enemies (like Emmanuel, and leftists), both foreign and domestic," and that OATH has NO 'TIME LIMIT!'

STAY TUNED (so angry, can hardly think, or type). I 'highly recommend' ANYONE who is a Chicago native, or knows one, get word on this asinine 'new stunt!

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