Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sex robot TAX: Government could KILL OFF cyborgs with '10,000% price hike'

Now why in the world would any government want to do such a thing as this? Tax the hell out of your personal ability to chose to have sex with a 'sex robot?' 

This sounds like a move that Dr. George "Evil" Soros for sure would be eerily standing by. But no. Actually, it's the twin "evil" brother, Bill Gates, according to a report by The Daily Star.

In a move that could potentially drive up the tax on using a sex robot by up to 10,000 percent, Gates believes this will 'curb deviant behavior!' Now, I'm not quite sure, but I don't believe this is 'the' Bill Gates of Microsoft, but another person by the same unfortunate name.

At any rate, this wouldn't really be that unusual of a move. Any time you've got a new area of business, a lot of people want a slice of the pie (no pun intended?). So there's always going to be controvert as with many new products to hit the market.

But I think it's safe to say, "sex sells!" And its much more than a cliche. When it comes to 'sex,' not only has this been called the "world's earliest profession," its undoubtedly the most used aspect of marketing various good and services, and personalities alike.

There's a good reason why you don't see very many ugly people on television, or promoting products. Yet in all fairness, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Nonetheless, as for men, they've been brainwashed into believing that a good looking woman ought to look like a 'Barbie doll,' and for women, a good looking man ought to look like a "Ken doll."

For those in America, or at least with access to the cable news channel appropriately enough called, "Fox News," you'll see any number of "Ken and Barbie doll" news commentators, and news readers (I'm sure they'd consider themselves as journalists, minus having even as much as taken journalism 101).

And speaking of Fox News, is it any surprise about all the various 'sexual allegations' which have been plaguing the news channel over the past year. When you create an environment of artificially attractive women wearing dresses that expose just about all there is to show, what do you expect? But I digress. Sex has that effect upon people and advertisers and marketers all know this.

Unfortunately, perverts do as well. While I have absolutely no interest in what anyone does behind their closed doors, I can see this new phenomena being an issue for some, and in any number of ways- none of which may have any positive outcomes.

Having said all that, look at the 'life-like' characteristics of these sex dolls! Unbelievable! In one of the photos of a guy (real) sitting with one of the sex robots (dolls, whatever they're called), and you'd think they 'both' were real! While that doesn't say much for the guy in the photo, it does go a long way in informing the rest of the world (putting us on notice), just how far along these sex dolls have come!

Remember the old 'inflatible' sex dolls? Well, once you've seen one of these new dolls, you'll never think of those old dolls ever again. Let's just say, these aren't your parents sex dolls! And while I'm doing my best to keep this post "PG-rated," Fox News anchor's may soon start to worrying about losing their jobs to one of these 'dolls,' especially the women at Fox News!

In fact, some old enough may recall a newscast that was created back in the 1980's. It was called, 'Annanova.' It was a real life type of female 'robot reporter,' that would be currently working for Fox News if it weren't for all the 'unions' in New York City. I don't recall whatever happened to Annanova news, at least the 'female dummy' (pun fully intended), but I do think the news 'brand' did survive well past the dummy did.

...matter of fact, it just may have been about the time that Rupert Murdoch created Fox News!

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