Thursday, August 31, 2017

Trump’s Insubordination Problem–Politico Magazine

Trump’s Insubordination Problem–Politico Magazine and 'endless wars!'

While 'insubordination' is in most jobs a small problem because it's just not tolerated, and usually instant grounds for termination, when it comes to the Trump cabinet, it is being done on a consistent basis and by in large without consequences.

Who would have ever seen this being the case coming from a man who made a living for famously uttering those two words, "You're fired!" on the hit show The Apprentice. And yet this has been not the case in real life, and at the top levels of government. Something just doesn't seem right.

And as this article points out,
Donald Trump told us that he’d hire the best people. He didn’t mention that he’d be unable to fire them.
This is one of the reasons I found it unbelievable that Trump has put up with some of the people in his administration for as long as he has. Many have claimed this is because Trump is a 'loyal person.' If so, he is loyal to a fault. and it isn't serving him well.

When at times it seems as though Trump's own cabinet has been at odds with their own boss to the point of contradicting him on Sunday news shows, something has got to give. I can't help, as I'm sure many others do, as to whether some of this is to blame on his 'chief of staff,' or just who is in charge?

I also find it somewhat unsettling that Trump is surrounded by as many former generals as he is. Recently a well respected psychiatrist was asked about this very question, and the response was described as going back to Trump's childhood, when after a period of heading in the wrong direction, he was sent to a boarding school, and though he never served in the  military himself, he fell in love with those who were 'leaders' within the boarding school he attended. I suppose as seeing them almost as 'father figures.'

While I don't know how much sense that really makes, or what difference does this make, obviously Trump did find something impressive with those who were in 'command' at his boarding school. I'm not a psychiatrist, so what would you call that, other than 'odd.'
In the meantime, unless you're a senior official, people around the Trump administration utter statements, no boss would be very please with. While those in higher position of power within the administration seem to be 'free' to contradict, and even demean to an extent some of Trump's statements.

To me, insubordination is grounds for termination, plain and simple. If you are so removed ideologically or otherwise from the person you are serving at the president's leisure, and  I submit that your 'loyalties' are just not there, and worse yet, may lie elsewhere. So just why are some of these people even there? Are they simply there 'padding their resumes?'

This definitely is not suiting the president well, and needs to change. While the thought that some of this was due to Trump's former 'chief of staff,' how do you explain this now with a new person in the same position? Oh sure, we've been told that there's not the level of 'infighting' that once existed. But, at what expense? ...that our president has been marginalized? And by just who? I agree with Newt Gingrich when he stated that Trump is being "isolated within his own administration."

All I can say in years of watching presidential administrations come and go, though some policies do change, if you notice closely, the 'major policies,' are by in large the very ones that seem to remain intact. Here is the perfect example, the speech Trump most recently delivered. In it, as for our military being in Afghanistan, which already has been Americas longest ongoing war, to keep that was ongoing just seems to make no sense.

I believe this war has already cost us one trillion dollars with seemingly no strategy, or exit plan anywhere to be seen. Where have we seen this before? Vietnam. Oh, and let's not forget that it was our State Dept's idea to keep the old Soviet Union 'preoccupied' long enough in Afghanistan to cause the country to go bankrupt! ultimately causing its collapse- from within, no less.

Is this truly the plan at work, behind the scenes? Some of us are well read, and have seen this before, and understand the real reasons that lie behind such seemingly ridiculous ideas. Are we going to spend yet another 'Trillion' dollars and cause more servicemen to either lose their lives, or limbs, and all for just what? To guard the 'opium' that the elite have been known to sell through
It's also been long stated that 'Afghanistan is the graveyard of many nations.' Is America to be the latest casualty of a 'failed' and utterly unwinnable war? Is Afghanistan Americas 2nd 'Vietnam War?' Also in Trump's sam underground channels? Not to mention 'arms sales.'
e speech on Afghanistan, let us not forget that he brought up 9/11 for being the orignal purpose for our mission to this God-forsaken country. I have never bought into the notiion that one man 'orchestrated 9/11' (with some help) and from a cave, at that. More like from a 'boardroom' in London or Washington, D.C. would seem more reasonable.

Enough of the insubordination, and enough with the war in Afghanistan, both need to come to an end, or I'll all about gaurantee  yet many more years of the sam old story/ie happening. Joseph Goebbels is credited with having stated, "if you repeat a lie, long enough, and laud enough                                                                                                                          

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