Wednesday, August 23, 2017

After intimate pat-down, she wonders how much privacy must we give up to fly safely?

Talk about 'giving up our rights in the name (guise) of safety!' Ever since 9/11 happened we, as  American citizens haven been doing just that- giving up our freedoms. As the title of this article suggests, now in order to fly passengers must basically submit to what can end up being an 'intimate encounter.'

After intimate pat-down, she wonders how much privacy must we give up to fly safely?

Remember that famous quote,
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
...for the record, the above quote is the 'exact quote,' as uttered by Benjamin Franklin way back in 1755. This is one of those statement's that has been repeated so many times throughout history, that it's become like the old game kids used to play, where one person was told a statement, and it was passed down to so many people that by the 'end' of the line, the quote was uttered incorrectly.

Not to digress to much, but according to a Fellow from the Brookings Institute's  Benjamin Wittes observes, “Very few people who quote these words, however, have any idea where they come from or what Franklin was really saying when he wrote them.”

In that particular article, Wittes alleges Franklin's words have been "misquoted," and are not meant to stand for what most people today generally believe Franklin meant. I'll take anything from a 'think tank' with a grain of salt, as most of these 'thank tanks' are highly biased, many to the point they've become un-American institutions in and of themselves, being heavily funded by many of the world's elites who stand for nothing but themselves, have more money than 'god,' and generally just have too much time on their hands, hence they finance, and/or create these various 'think tanks' to do their bidding. Including influencing politics; for the worse (but to their best interests).

But facts are facts. And as the original link makes all too vividly clear, government (using TSA, in this case) has taken too much 'liberty' (pun fully intended) with our liberties, in their attempt at achieving their own agenda's, or as they say, "the end justifies the means." Any Freemason, or secret society member would know full well what I'm talking about.

Should you click the link about how intrusive TSA has become, keep in mind two key aspects about this.

1) TSA would not exist had 9/11 happened

2) 'Cui bono?'  (who profits?)

Not to get into 'conspiracy theories,' as that is something I don't engage in. I like sticking with 'facts,' just the facts!

Having said that, there are more questions about the 'line' our government fed up via their mainstream media, than anything else. To use yet another aphorism, which I may have broken the record in 'one post,' (but hey, it's my blog!), if you look into 9/11, you can drive a truck through all the lies and so-called facts 'we the American people,' and hence the world were told. And the 9/11 commission only made more of a mess than getting to any semblance of "truth."

Then we have the 'neo-cons,' who belonged to the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), which shortly prior to 9/11 stated, 'we need a new Pearl Harbor.' Take a good look at the 'names' on that list. They all have one thing in common: all stood to 'gain' from the events that transpired on 9/11! Fact!

And how can we 'forget,' the infamous "underwear bomber?" whom Michael Chertoff also 'profited greatly' as he just so happened to have instantly come up with the 'solution' to this type of attack. Enter the "body scanner's" along with a little common sense (something greatly lacking in our time), and we've come full circle on this story.

Damn right, "NEVER FORGET!" And yes, there are such things as 'conspiracy theories,' but I deal with 'conspiracy facts!' We may never know the 'truth' behind 9/11, but we don't have to live with the lies.

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