Tuesday, January 2, 2018


I have maintained for the longest time now that basically if you want to 'move ahead' in this world you need to become a 'satanist.' I even wrote a post on this blog, about a line in Roman Polanski's movie, Rosemary's Baby in which she utters the line, "all of them witches!"

Let me be clear about the term 'satanist.' There's a lot of misinformation about this term. First of all, for some satanism is indeed a 'religion.' Even that can be broken down further, but for the sake of this post, I'll leave it there. Then there are those who live lives with little values for 'morals' or what is generally acceptable in open society.

This group consists of those who participate in 'sex parties,' mixed and fueled with drugs and alcohol. And it can digress even further, just use your imagination. Especially in a day and age when drugs such as "Molly" are in the equation. For those who've not heard of this drug, I never had either, until now. This drug, which apparently can just be dipped into and absorbed on the tongue takes away all your inhibitions, and will make you basically do things you normally wouldn't. I'm sure this must be big among the 'scumbags' who use little children. But as this article points out, this drug is being used widely in these 'Silicon Valley sex parties.'

And many of the people participating in these 'parties' are basically the 'geeks' who couldn't get girlfriends in High school, so now due to their money made in major tech firms, they're making up for lost time, so to speak. Then you have a mixture of women who attend these parties, some knowing what they're getting into, other's not so much. Some of these woman are just looking to climb the ladder of success, while other's are just looking to marry a 'rich man' and it doesn't matter how unattractive or awkward these men are, as this article points out.

But I digress. Back to satanism. So, it's becoming more and more apparent to me that for anyone looking to make it and become 'big' in whatever field, and I mean 'whatever field!' it would appear as though you have to become a 'sell-out.' And for the record, I have absolutely nothing against anyone who 'makes it big' in life, as long as they've done so honestly and without having hurt anyone. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the norm in this crazy ball of dirt we call earth.

Satanism is a major player in all of this. There's a common denominator in all of the success most of these people had to endure. Sex, drugs, and worse. Bottom line, there is a price to be paid! Ask anyone who's worked in Hollywood or the entertainment business! Movies such as Stanley Kubrick's 'Eyes Wide Shut' are for real. People had better realize this. It's also no 'coincidence' that Roman Polanski threw in that one line into his move Rosemary's Baby,

"all of them witches!" 

                                    1966 Time Magazine, Is God Dead? 

I for one do not believe in 'coincidences!' I believe everything happens for a reason, whether we want to accept it or not. And whether we want to accept it or not, I don't care what your 'belief system or religion' is, one this is for certain, Satan, aka Lucifer is in charge of Planet Earth! For those familiar with the Bible (again, don't care what your thoughts are about it), it's made expressly clear just 'who' runs this earth. And though ultimately God is in control, Satan has been granted 'dominion' over Mother Earth, at least until the Second Coming of Christ, if the Bible is to be believed. Personally, I cannot overcome this reasoning using any logic. It's a fact. An ugly one at that.

Some familiar with my posts know my background, namely that I was raised as a Christian, then rebelled and became a Satanist myself. While I no longer consider myself an 'active' Satanist, I'm having many, many doubts about a God who could create a system in which only those who would turn to 'evil and perversion' as basically the only way of achieving anything on this earth. Mind you, I've also been to Bible college. And let me tell you, having seen what goes on behind the scenes in 'Christianity' and Bible colleges, there really isn't much of a difference in one's path to the top! You may want to re-read that last part. I know, I've been there!

                                           'Romans of the Decadence' 

So, do you really want to be 'successful?' Do you really want money or fame, or a combination thereof? Become a Satanist! That's your only option! Personally, I'm not into money, fame or any of this. I'm just telling people how this world system operates. Additionally, look at the lives of those who have 'made it.' You will see some of the most unpleasant, depressed and suicidal people anywhere. And after all, though some may have power and fame, they're still no different than anyone else. The only difference for the most part is who they given their allegiance to.

And lastly, if you think what I've written about pertains solely to those in Silicon Valley, as this article is referencing, you had better open your eyes. These types of 'parties' are becoming more and more common, and chances are right now someone you may know, even may know very well, could be a member of one of these 'sex clubs.' Your local police, your local government, fireman, military members, state and federal officials are ALL involved in some type of illicit affairs on their lives. They would not be in the positions they are in were they not. Of course there are always 'exceptions.' But those are far and few in between! And though an 'honest person' may go into any of these fields, at one point or another they may be approached by someone asking them, 'hey do you want to attend a party?' Or do you want to go to a 'meeting' where you can make connections and they'll help you get promoted much faster?

Yes, we live in a fallen world. And if you don't know Lucifer, or Satan is in charge of things down here, you had better wise up! I have also long been aware of how infiltrated 'Christianity' is at the higher levels. So do not be fooled by so-called 'men of God!' They too are some of the biggest Satanist's you'll ever run across! Basically you are all surrounded by satanists, whether you want to accept that premise or not. You media, police, judicial system, politics, business, entertainment, author's, movie stars, politicians, businessman and clergy have all been infiltrated by Satanism. I hate to be the barer of bad news, but this is the system we operate in. And the sooner you know this, the better you'll understand how and why certain things happen and are allowed to happen.

Man (generic term) is by nature 'inherently evil.' Religion (Christianity) refers to this as 'original sin.' Psychologist's may have another name for this. I studied psychology and know they refer to a "reptilian brain" which has remained in everyone, some more so than others. Man is a person full of pride, arrogance, greed, etc etc. Does this surprise you? The Bible itself says as much. Read the Bible and you'll know it says exactly what I have stated here. Read what the Bible says about the 'condition of the heart of man!'

Again, I'm not attempting to preach to anyone. At this point of time I myself am struggling BIG time with the concept of a God in general. However, there are some things which have been written in the Bible that I or anyone else would have a very difficult time refuting! Yet, still, why is the system this corrupt that you have to 'sell out' in order to move up? That is a rhetorical question. I've already heard 'theologians' address this very question. But, I'm not convinced.

Here's the link to the article (reader discretion is highly advised!) 

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