Monday, January 1, 2018

Have you ever heard of this acronym, ICLEI ?

Well, frankly neither had I until just now. Mind you, I'm in the research field. I am totally aware of what is called 'Agenda 21,' which also happens to go under various other names (hint: that's what they do when an organization is 'shady').

So, here I am browsing the Internet looking up various things as so much varies on a 'state by state' level.

As I was in the process of my general search I happened by chance to see a list of names of 'cities owned, yes owned by this ICLEI 'entity.' So naturally I looked up this acronym. And let's just say it has 'globalist associations,' is part of Agenda 21, and your very town or city may be 'owned' by this 'globalist cabal.'

ICLEI stands for: International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. Note the key word, "international." Now, take it to its next logical conclusion. 

Just 'who and where' is this ICLEI located? Answer: 

Headquarters: Bonn, Germany

Founded: 1990 (ask yourself, 'who' was president back then?). Ah yes, the globalist, Nazi sympathizer and war criminal, George H.W. Bush, or "Poppy Bush" as he was affectionately called. Why "poppy?" Because he was responsible for bringing into America illegal drugs, ie opium, heroin, etc, etc. 'Honorable man,' don't you think? Ditto for the Clinton crime family, and other 'honorable citizens of the United States.' Oh yes, sure 'honorable,' my ass! (excuse my French). 

Let me say something, the more I research the people who run this country (United States), the more I see what a bunch of 'scumbags' these people truly are, and let me add, when I say there is absolutely nothing 'honorable' about these people, I would swear upon the altar of Almighty God upon doing so! I have had up to my head with all these 'honorable people!' I have MORE HONOR in my little toe, than do these scum buckets in their entire bloodlines! But I digress... .

Back to ICLEI. People, you had better look at what I just looked upon with my own two eyes, and see for yourself whether your own city or town may be a part ie "owned" (sold--out) by someone on your local government, or in your city government (another story in and of itself). 

Also associate ie 'get to know' what are the goals and agenda of this "Agenda 21," which as do the likes of most of these sinister operations, go under various names! Frankly, I was 'horrified' to see several towns listed as being 'owned' by ICLEI, headquartered in Bonn, Germany! which one of them I had lived in myself! 

Here's the link to a site that you can look up under your own state. Just look straight under the heading, "US Cities that belong to ICLEI." And get ready to be shocked, because chances are whether you yourself live in one of these 'owned cities,' or not, chances are pretty high that someone you know, be it a family member, loved one, etc., just may be living in one of the listed cities. And let me tell you (understanding just how this world operates through intense research spanning 4 decades, this is no joke! 

Here is the link titled "Agenda 21 Course."  ...again, once you get there, just look straight down the middle of the website! It will shock you! All the more if you are familiar (as I am) with Agenda 21.  (do yourself a favor, and take a few minutes looking over Agenda 21 already linked before this sentence). 

                                   Published Agenda 21 book

Just between the two websites I have provided you the reader with, this ought to enrage many of you! It's no wonder why I've recently received a 'threatening' piece of mail! 

If you want to understand just why some of my posts have sounded somewhat unusual, now you know why. So why do this? 

Well, you see I should have already have been 'dead' many years ago! I have literally stared 'death' in the face on at least 3 serious occasions, and I'm still here! I don't say this lightly, nor is this boasting, it's just what I have faced. It's been my personal experience. So, once someone has 'cheated death,' you tend to have a different outlook on life. 

I know who the enemy is, and 'they' (I'm sure) already know who I am. Matter of fact, in a prior post just earlier tonight, I wrote how I have this 'ability' (something I do not talk about often, something that I consider both a 'blessing and a curse,' that has allowed me at times to see thing in the future. I even saw what could very well be my own assassination, and at the age of 6 years of age. How many can say that? 

So I think it's only fairly obvious to me that I am here still only through the grace and protection of God himself. And no, I do not consider myself at all to be 'religious,' by any stretch of the imagination. Nor do I consider myself to be anymore 'special' than anybody else. I'm just a human being who wants to look out for his fellow human beings, especially my fellow countryman, Americans. Through I love all people, no matter where they are located on this ball of dirt we call 'earth.' We are all special and have our purpose for being here. 

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