Monday, January 8, 2018

Ibuprofen linked to male infertility, study says

Could *this* be the real reason for the fake "opioid epidemic?" You betcha! I've been looking very diligently at this 'witch-hunt' known as the opioid epidemic since it was first dropped into the American public.

Let's just cut to the chase and say, this has everything to do with 'depopulation.' Plain and simple!

There is no 'opioid epidemic!' That's pure BS! Yet both Trump and Hillary made this a 'campaign issue.' Now, ask yourself is this 'coincidence?' Let me tell you, there are no coincidences in politics! None, zero, nada. But, it's a known fact (at least to person's such as myself) that there is a 'depopulation program,' operating right here in the States.

And it's being acted on in various countries around the world. Africa was it's 'testing ground.' And Nazi Germany perfected it. Those within the 'birth control and euthanasia movements' are also behind this.

This is 'globalism' at it's finest. Depopulation has been these people's 'wet-dream' since at least the early 1900's. And it's very much alive to this day, and may never go away, unless the public are made aware of this.

So, as stated this phony opioid epidemic has been created for one purpose, to make those truly suffering from 'chronic pain' want to just die! And you wait and see, due to this bogus made up 'witch hunt' which has already effectively scared doctors into writing 'prescriptions for opioids' and have already been afraid of 'Big Brother,' now have it even worse!

                                    Ibuprofen linked to male infertility

Thank you, president Trump! See, I happen to be one of those person's who's now ended up in this bogus 'witch hunt.' And I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you were you, or some medical doctor were to suffer from what I do, you would be on 'opioids' so fast, your doctor wouldn't be able to write the script fast enough!


I was personally even 'lied to' by my medical doctor having been told, "there's a new law starting in 2018," and I can no longer write scripts for pain. BS! There is NO such law! And were there, I'd be the first to know! Yelena Shanchuk, a medical doctor in Hoffman Estates, IL, is just the liar who informed me of this. As a result, I have already filed a 'formal grievance' with her against my insurance company, for which she is now under investigation.

And that is just the start! I have attorney's looking into her unethical comments and actions. This is a doctor whom will not give me a 'prostate exam' when asked, and I'm supposed to have one every year. This is a doctor who has sent me to multiple 'specialists' who upon seeing, have informed me, they're not the correct type of doctor I need to see! And there's much more. Being a fairly intelligent human being, I have 'recording' of conversations with this 'quack' of a medical doctor.

And of all person's to lie to me! I once suffered from 'high blood pressure,' but not anymore. Why? Because I figured out how to get it under control using 'natural supplements,' and she is totally aware of my use of 'natural supplements,' and dislike of 'Big Pharma.' So, if she's wants to lie to me just to 'dismiss me,' she's got another thing coming. For starter's, I don't like 'liars.' I'll leave it right there.

This 'opioid epidemic' is about our own government bringing IN 'narcotics' from Afghanistan, plain and simple. Right now as I write this, US troops are 'paying opium farmers' in Afghanistan to grow their crops. Also US troops are 'guarding' opium fields so they can be brought back to the United States for consumption in the 'black market,' or as they say 'the streets.' And it's going into the 'urban ghetto's' to boot.

But all of this is very good for certain police agencies. The more drugs are on the streets, the more 'arrests and convictions' the justice department can make, and the more money the Eastern establishment families can line their pockets with. After all, the sale of 'opium' is how they made their fortunes! Look up the 'Opium War.' Look up the East India, Co., based out of Britannia. Also, look up the 'names' of these families. They're all still around and extremely wealthy. All at the expense of getting other's 'addicted.'

So go and cry me a river with your fake 'opioid epidemic,' Mr President! And SHAME on you and AG Sessions, who by the way now wants to repeal one 'good thing' Obama did do, allow states to chose whether to make 'pot legal.' That is a 'state right,' NOT a 'federal right!' I suggest some study their constitution's.

And just who owns 'Big Pharma?' Who now stands to profit, as they also cause 'male infertility?' These 'gangsters' need to be brought to justice, and help accountable for the heinous crimes against humanity!

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