Sunday, January 14, 2018

INJUSTICE SYSTEM OF CANANDAIGUA, NEW YORK (A True Story of Betrayal, and Incompetency)

Just under 10 years ago, I had moved to another state to start a family. Little did I know the female I had become involved with suffered from various mental disorders, as did her son.

Shortly after having moved to this state, I'll never forget the day when this woman just out of left field began to 'accuse me' of things (as it she turned into another person), and I was so shocked I was left standing there shaking my head. Little did I realize what the 'cause' was (Borderline personality, and more!),' and how it would return to haunt me even to this day- 10 years later, because her 'alter personality' materialized on 2 or 3 occasions! The movie The Exorcist comes to mind. It was as though the person you knew was gone, and someone, or 'something else' took her place.

Is it any wonder there's a saying, 'the eyes are the windows of the soul?'

I will be fully unloading with documents, and naming names of all those who did not do their jobs, and simply took this woman at her word. A woman who had done the 'same thing' to the previous 2 men she'd been involved with! As a researcher, I read many books on 'borderline personality.' I cannot even begin to tell you how after having read what many of these people do (untreated people, such as she was), I felt as though I were reading my story! But of course, NONE of this EVER came out.

See, apparently anyone in upstate New York, can simply accuse someone of 'whatever' and good luck proving otherwise! Especially when the accuser's father was involved in a major 'political party' knowing many people, in my case including 'judges.' and in my case having been from another state! Not only that, but whoever came up with the expression, "innocent until proven guilty" has got it backwards, and is a total moron, because the opposite is the truth! In America, you are 'guilty until proven innocent.' Veritas!

                                           Canandaigua Courthouse

Canandaigua was the site of the Susan B. Anthony trial in 1873, on charges of voting illegally. This area of New York was a center of activism for women's suffrage and other progressive movements. In 1873, women's rights activist Susan B. Anthony was tried for voting (which was illegal for women) in the Ontario County Courthouse, located in the City of Canandaigua. She was found guilty and fined $100, which she did not pay.[12]

Seems as this town just loves to 'fine and imprison people.' But, hey they're "progressives!" So that justifies their actions.

Many of my civil right were violated, my attorney had just come back from 'retirement' (so he claims), and there were so many anomalies in this case, it would make anyone's head spin! What happened to me, should not happen to anyone in America!

Many know our 'justice system' is broken, but what I have to expose will blow the lid off small town American 'witch hunters' posing as 'public servants.' who obviously had nothing better to do than attempt to ruin a good man's life. Well, after 10 years of keeping my silence, mainly due to the 'pain and suffering' (having just lost a child prior to, and not having seen my two beautiful children, since they were babies) it has caused me to even consider mentioning it, knowing the pain and horror that would be relived. That was then, this is now. I am now ready to go pedal to the medal, laying it all out on the table, and the gloves have come off!

In addition, just recently I received a letter from this county, threatening me with something I'll hold unto I post - everything! None of the people in my case EVER had a chance to as much as 'hear' my side of the story, and I'd be damned were the TRUTH no on my side!

But I've done lots and lots of research over the past 10 years, and I have learned a lot about the law and the 'injustice system.' Matter of fact, that would make a great title for the book I have begun, The Injustice System!

Let it be fully known that should ANYTHING happen to me, documents are in a secured location, with several trusted persons. I am done having dealt with my good name having been drug through the mud be an concomitant 'kangaroo court!' And for the record, this situation occurred in small town upstate New York town of 'Canandaigua, New York.'

Again, what happened to me is something that could easily have happened to anyone reading this post! For that reason alone, this story must be released! Names will be named, and justice will finally be meted out!

PS, I already have the entire case of my story posted and ready to be sent into the Internet for the whole wide world to see and read. And this blog has a 'global readership!' I find myself amazed knowing some of the countries who routinely read this blog. I'm also humbled by it, and appreciate your support.

Those who regularly read this blog know full well, I do not post anything that I cannot back up. I never have, and I never will. Matter of fact, one of the reasons I have let this situation go, was due to the 'system' having made so many gross mistakes, I figured the entire case would have been 'thrown out.'

But if these people want to continue to 'threaten' me, totally without merit, justice is coming to New York, and this man will clear his name, and turn around and slap them with a counter-suit! This case will become a book, and I would have to think there's a very good chance that book could end up turning into a movie. I have not even scratched the surface of what all occurred in that little town in upstate New York.

I have also reached out to several 'patriot alternative news channels,' and am just waiting for someone to contact me. The more people that hear the nightmare I experienced, the better! Should my efforts serve to 'help' even one person from experiencing what I went through, that alone will have made this all more than worth re-living my nightmare.

Several factors are involved here (none ever disclosed): mental illness, troubled child, politically connected family, *exact accusations made to at least 2 other men (that I personally know about), my attorney called this a "hillbilly divorce!" And this is about a woman who lives as a "welfare queen," due to possibly having been sexually molested herself as a child.

This woman had the nerve to have her attorney inform my attorney that she wanted me to 'sign the rights to my 2 children away.' What kind of 'mother' would want her children growing up- NOT knowing 'who' their father is? That alone speaks volumes about this person's character. It also proved she wants to live as a 'welfare queen.' My response to her request was a resounding, 'NO!' I would never give up the rights to my 2 children! EVER!

I say, either 'drop the case!' Let the disinfectant of the TRUTH shine and purify a 'corrupt, incompetent court!' The gloves are off! You are no longer dealing with the naive 'trusting' person I once was. You will now deal with a 'man on mission!'

What I have laid out here doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what has NEVER been exposed before the court! 

PS, What has been done here in my situation, is similar in several ways as the case of Cliven Bundy in which a good man was being mistreated by a legal system that is out of control! Cliven Bundy's case was "dismissed with prejudice!" That is a legal phrase showing the 'gross negligence' of the system which Cliven Bundy was subjected to. I'm telling the world right now, my case could and should be "dismissed with prejudice," as was Bundy's. Nothing less will do. 

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