Monday, January 8, 2018

Traina Thoughts: All Four NFL Playoff Games See Double-Digit Ratings Decrease

One of the reason's I do happen to like Trump 'personally,' is because I see a lot of me in him. Both of us are very outspoken, will back down from no one, and tell things like it is, whether it's convenient for some, or not.

And when Trump is attacked, as he has been even before being sworn in as our 45th president, he has been under constant attack. Still as I've heard from those who know him well, he's a 'counter puncher.' I am too. I don't start fights, never have. But I (like Trump) have had more than my fair share of detractors.

Perhaps people mistake 'kindness for weakness?' Well, they (as with Trump) do so at their own peril, and I speak from a lifelong personal experience. As with Trump, people who cross me the wrong way, tend to end up on the ground. Plain and simple.

As many may know, Trump has been at war with the National Football League (NFL) for their refusal to stand for the National Anthem, which is a tradition before the start of all games. And for having done so, the NFL has seen a 'major decline' in their ratings. And when it comes to business, 'ratings' are everything.

                                  NFL Playoff Ratings: ALL Time Low!

So, to the NFL I suggest you get your act together, because people are tuning out in droves! The ratings are in, and YOU lose! Keep up this 'disgracefull' disregard to stand up for the American Flag during the singing of our National Anthem. Soon, you may have to move to another country!

Great job, Roger Goodell- 'loser.'

Here's the link. 

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